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  No way is impossible to courage.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2020年3月公共英语一级真题及答案解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!






  11. When is the meeting hold?

  A. 3:15.

  B. 3:30.

  C. 3:45.

  12. What did the boy's father do last week?

  A. Had 5 classes.

  B. Had 5 meetings.

  C. Had 5 parties.

  13. When was the building built?


  B. 1909.

  C. 1919.

  14. Why didn't the man want the shirt?

  A. It' s too small.

  B. It' s too big.

  C. It' s not good enough.

  15. What does the woman want to drink?

  A. A cup of tea.

  B. A glass of milk.

  C. A bottle of juice.

  16. Who is the boy talking with?

  A. His mother.

  B. His teacher.

  C. The doctor.

  17. What is the man' s sister doing now?

  A. She is visiting London.

  B. She is visiting New York.

  C. She is visiting Shanghai.

  18. Whose book is it?

  A. It's Sam's.

  B. It's Steven's.

  C. It's mine.

  19. Has the father given up smoking?

  A. Yes, he used to.

  B. No, he hasn't.

  C. Yes, he has.

  20. What does Miss King probably speak?

  A. Japanese.

  B. French.

  C. English.

  21. What will the woman do?

  A. Have a drink with the man.

  B. Take a walk with the man.

  C. Hold a party at home.

  22. Where did she found her book?

  A. Under her bed.

  B. On her bed.

  C. Under her desk.

  23. What's Ken good at?

  A. English.

  B. Chinese.

  C. Nothing.

  24. Who hasn't brought the dictionary to class?

  A. Mary.

  B. Simon.

  C. Both Mary and Simon.

  25. When will they start?

  A. At 8:00.

  B. At8:30.

  C. At 9:00.




  26. --May I come in?

  --________. What can I do for you?

  A. I' m not sureB. No, thank youC. Yes, please27. Morgan wanted to show her father that she could take care________a horse.

  A. for

  B. of

  C. about

  28. The man over there under the tree is________teacher.

  A. Peter and Bob's

  B. Peter and Bob

  C. Peter's and Bob's

  29. David is still in high school. When he________, he wants to go to college.

  A. Ends

  B. stops

  C. finishes

  30. The Browns spent________holidays in the country last summer.

  A. Their

  B. His

  C. her

  31. She goes to the same school________my brother.

  A. like

  B. As

  C. than

  32. Seven years have passed by________we last met.

  A. While

  B. Since

  C. Until

  33. Some of the apples in the basket have gone________Throw them away!

  A. ill

  B. wrong

  C. bad

  34. Mr. Watson asked the students to________their homework.

  A. hand in

  B. fill in

  C. get in

  35. More and more people are using the Internetthings.

  A. buy

  B. to buy

  C. bought

  36. James ate a big meal________he said he wasn't hungry.

  A. if

  B. Though

  C. because

  37. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as________as the nurses.

  A. much

  B. more

  C. most

  38. He'll give you a call as soon as he

  A. is arriving

  B. will arrive

  C. arrives

  39. He raised his voice in order to make himself________by more people.

  A. Heard

  B. Hearing

  C. hear

  40. She________South America at the age of 15 and has never returned.

  A. leaves

  B. left

  C. has left



  One Saturday, Mark and Jane decided to go to a hill near their village. They made some food to take along41 lunch. The two friends talked and laughed 42 they walked. When they got close to the hill, they43 see a tall tree on the top.Mark44 out, "I'11 race赛跑you to the tree!"Both children ran as 45 as they could 46 the hill. As they arrived 47 the top,the children48 that there were large dark clouds in the sky. "I think a storm暴风雨 49," said Jane. The children ran down the hill quickly50 Mark's house. Then it started to rain. Mark and Jane sat by a large window and ate their food watching the storm.

  41. A. for

  B. on

  C. with

  42. A. because

  B. since

  C. as

  43. A. could

  B. would

  C. should

  44. A. calls

  B. called

  C. has called

  45. A. quick

  B. soon

  C. fast

  46. A. around

  B. down

  C. up

  47. A. in

  B. at

  C. by

  48. A. noticed

  B. understood

  C. mentioned

  49. A. came

  B. is coming

  C. has come

  50. A. in

  B. with

  C. to




  51. People look up new words in it.

  52. People use it to keep off the rain.

  53. People take it in the morning.

  54. People wear it to get to know the time.

  55. People read it for reports of the latest events.

  A. camera

  B. television

  C. watch

  D. umbrella

  E. breakfast

  F. dictionary

  G. newspaper


    阅读下面短文,从A.Right、B.Wrong、C.Doesn’t say三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Farmers do not like crows 乌鸦 because these birds eat newly-planted seeds 种子. Theyare afraid that they will not have anything left in autumn if the birds eat up all the seeds.

  It is hard for farmers to get close enough to kill crows. Crows have very good eyes and good hearing. They are also very careful. While some are eating the newly-planted seeds, others sit on the tallest trees around the fields. "Caw-caw-caw," cries the first crow to see farmers coming. All the other "lookout" crows join in the crying and then, in no time at all, there is not a crow to be seen. Farmers have found several ways to kill crows. But it is good that there are still crows about. These birds are our friends. They pay for the seeds they eat by killing pests害虫. One pest, for example, can eat up several plants in a few hours. With thousands of them at work in one night, we might find ourselves without food to eat. This is why we should not try to kill off the crow.

  56. According to the writer, crows only bring troubles to farmers.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn't say

  57. It is not easy for farmers to kill crows.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn't say

  58. Farmers can get paid by killing pests.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn't say

  59. Up to now, no ways have been found to kill crows.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn't say

  60. Crows eat seeds and pests at night.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesn't say




  Mara was going to stay with her friend Fanny for three days. A week before her trip, she called Fanny to tell her when the train would arrive. Fanny asked Mara to wait for her at the west entrance 入口 of the railway station.

  The train arrived early. Mara didn't know the station very well and instead of going to the westentrance, she went out of the north entrance and waited for Fanny there.

  Fanny checked at the information desk and found that the train had already arrived. She looked round near the west entrance of the station but couldn't see Mara anywhere. She began to think that Mara must have missed the train.

  Mara waited at the north entrance, but she couldn't see Fanny. She decided that Fanny was not coming to meet her after all. So she walked across the road to the bus station and asked for the bus to Market Road, where Fanny lived.

  You can imagine想象 how surprised Fanny was when she arrived home and found Mara al-ready talking to her mother.

  61. When did Mara tell Fanny about her train ride?

  A. On the day of her trip.

  B. A week before her trip.

  C. Three days before her trip.

  62. Why did Mara go out of the north entrance instead of the west entrance?

  A. She didn't see Fanny at the west entrance.

  B. She didn't know the station very well.

  C. The north entrance was nearer.

  63. Mara stopped waiting for Fanny at the station because________

  A. she believed Fanny was not coming to meet her

  B. she knew the way to Fanny's home

  C. she thought Fanny was late

  64. How did Mara get to Market Road after the train ride?

  A. On foot.

  B. By car.

  C. By bus.

  65. Where did Fanny meet Mara?

  A. At Fanny's home.

  B. At the north entrance.

  C. At the information desk.


  today we are sure that the mail will be sent every day to our door. But in the early days, noone could be sure about where--or when--the mail would arrive.

  There is a stump 树桩 of a big tree in the state of Washington. It was once a "post office". Because people needed a place for the mail carrier信使 to leave their letters, they found a tree at the cross of roads and cut it down ten feet from the ground. Then they hollowed it out and covered it with something. Inside, they put many boxes. Each box had a family's name on it. The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone.

  Even earlier, when there was no post services, people gave their letters to any traveler going in the right direction. Often they gave them to a traveling shoe maker. The traveler might stop in a small hotel and he would leave the letters there. But the letters stayed there until the person to re- ceive them happened to come by and stop at the hotel.today an airmail letter can travel across the world in much less time than that. And you knowthat your letter will go where you want it to go, and when.

  66. What is the text about?

  A. The uses of a mail box.

  B. The early days of the mail.

  C. The post service in Washington State.

  67. Why did people cut down the tree?

  A. to make it into a "post office".

  B. to use it for building houses.

  C. to build mail boxes.

  68. What does "hollowed it out" mean in "Then they hollowed it out..."?

  A. Made its inside empty.

  B. Covered its stump up.

  C. Cut it short.

  69. Who often worked as a mail cartier when there was no post service?

  A. A hotel owner.

  B. A letter writer.

  C. A shoe maker.

  70. What do we know about the post service in the old days?

  A. Hotels offered post service.

  B. Letters were sent to the door.

  C. When letters would arrive was not clear.




  71. It was tony's dream to visit Australia.

  tony dreamed of________Australia.

  72. His dream came true when an Australian friend invited him.

  His dream came true when he________by an Australian friend.

  73. He visited not only Sydney but also Melbourne in Australia.

  He visited both Sydney________Melbourne in Australia.









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