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| 来源:网友投稿

科技的作用英语作文1  Scienceandtechnologyhavebeenbringinghumanbeingstremendousbenefits.Thankstoscienceandtec下面是小编为大家整理的2023年科技作用英语作文3篇,供大家参考。



  Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables at the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out.

  However, science and technology have also brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of at kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace

  so its urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.





  Today is another fine day. My father and mother took me to visit the wenzhou science museum. As soon as we got out of the car, the first thing that unfolded before me was a building like the crystal palace, the museum of science and technology. Walking into the pavilion, you can see the white walls are striking and the novelty elevator makes you want to sit down. My father is still half word, I have already been on the third floor to see the robot. Dad, I cant help it. In all kinds of robot, is against the game, robot to play the piano, saxophone, they pop up beautiful moving melody suddenly shine at the moment, I saw a very fun thing, that is machine hand to catch the ball, but also we can control the manipulation. So I made up my mind to catch the ball, I failed over and over again, but I didnt lose heart, it was an opportunity, I want to hold it. I continued to move and rotate the robots forearm upper arm and hand, hands open exactly right to the ball, close to catch the ball, and mention, success, I am very happy.

  When my father asked me to go to the amusement park to play an exciting and daring event, we said it, and I was surprised to see that it was a slide, but it was not the same when it was peaceful. Look very high oh, Im afraid the dad a height encourage me, and I finally decided to try, I walked closer, seize the iron rod, hanging in the air throughout the entire body, closing your eyes, I cant open, under the father repeatedly encouraged, I was not afraid of him only see the front, suddenly a let go, I slid down the slide unharmed. I want to be brave and confident in the future. I have played a lot of new things and have learned a lot of knowledge in playing. I have been learning more about the secrets of technology. "The science museum is so much fun," I said to myself.


  May 1st Sunday Fine

  Lily and I are very interested in science, so we decided to visit the Science Museum today. It is not too far from our homes.It is about two kilometers, so we thought it was better to go there by bike.

  At eight we set off. It was very nice and sunny. When we got to the gate, there were many people waiting there. We met some of my classmates and teachers. There we saw a lot of interesting things and equipment. We could touch them and even operate something. We thought we had learned a lot and were more interested in science.

  At half past eleven we had to leave for home. How happy we were today!

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最近发表了一篇名为《小学品德教师期末工作总结范文》的范文,感觉很有用处,重新整理了一下发到这里[http: www fwwang cn]。时光飞逝,如梭之日,回顾这段时间的工作,一定有许多的艰难困苦,是时候在工作总结中好好总结过去的成绩了。下面小编在这里为大家精心整理了几篇小学教师期















