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makeastand用汉语怎么样翻译1  英[meikəstænd] 美[mekestænd]  makeastand基本解释  动词站住,对抗,全力拥护makeastand用汉语怎么样翻译2  1下面是小编为大家整理的make,a,stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇,供大家参考。


make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译1

  英 [meik ə stænd] 美 [mek e stænd]

  make a stand 基本解释

  动词 站住,对抗,全力拥护

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译2

  1. Brown was adamant he would not stand down to make way for a potentially more popular successor from within his party.

  2. Then he took a seashell in one hand and moved it slowly onto the egg, trying to make it stand erect.

  3. The system will provide a factual basis for regulators to make policies and help enterprises fully understand where they stand in terms of global competitiveness.

  4. How to make her fellow villagers"fruit stand out among the millions of tons of watermelons on the market became a major task for Feng.

  5. For the fashion industry, only fast reaction to trends and market can make a firm stand out.

  6. Wei first entered the national team in 2005 but failed to make a stand.

  7. When its practical interests are threatened, it is natural for a nation to make a stand.

  8. That country is a vital front in the war on terror, which is why the terrorists have chosen to make a stand there.

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇扩展阅读

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展1)

——call after用汉语怎么样翻译3篇

call after用汉语怎么样翻译1

  英 [kɔ:l ˈɑ:ftə] 美 [kɔl ˈæftɚ]

  call after 基本解释

  跟在…后面叫(以引起注意); 以…命名



  1. That student called after the departing teacher.


  2. The mother called the baby Sam after his grandfather.


call after用汉语怎么样翻译2

  1. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn"t return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.

  2. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine"s Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

  3. The stricter supervision comes after a Korean captain from Juneyao Airlines last month refused to yield to a mayday call made by another plane.

  4. The arrests came after Hamas and other groups turned down Abbas"s call for a halt to the rocket firing.

  5. Gaddafi made African unity a rallying call after failing to get fellow Arab leaders to support his campaign for a united Arab nation.

  6. Remember that recruitment consultants receive more than 50 resumes every day so always follow up with a phone call after sending out your resume.

  7. All the young poets has a curtain call after their performance on February 20.

  8. He made the call after he got home at midnight and his wife refused to let him inside.

  9. An official from the Foreign Ministry hung up Xinhua"s call after hearing the confirmation question.

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展2)

——as soon as not用汉语怎么样翻译3篇

as soon as not用汉语怎么样翻译1

  英 [æz su:n æz nɔt] 美 [æz sun æz nɑt]

  as soon as not 基本解释


  as soon as not 相关例句


  1. She would go as soon as not.


as soon as not用汉语怎么样翻译2

  1. That is why the LegCo Finance Commi* should not adjourn the OALA funding debate but instead approve it as soon as possible.

  2. Soon it"s not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts.

  3. But nowhere is the China trade debate as volatile or passionate as in the United States and this ripple effect will not abate anytime soon.

  4. He also reminded people not to remove warm clothes too soon as it would remain quite cool after Monday.

  5. But some *ysts said the involvement of private companies in SPR is not likely soon, as the government needs to make sure this is done the right way.

  6. China hopes Vietnam will correct the mistake as soon as possible and not take any unilateral actions that would complicate or enlarge dis*s.

  7. Peters said the department wants to award the new designation as soon as possible, but did not give any additional information on timing.

  8. Yao could have been inducted as soon as next year had he not delayed the nomination.

  9. He said an agreement could come as soon as Friday, but he did not rule out the possibility of a deal not being reached.

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展3)

——play up to用汉语怎么样翻译3篇

play up to用汉语怎么样翻译1

  [plei ʌp tu:]

  play up to 基本解释

  动词给…当配角,投…所好; 买好; 卖好; 阿

  play up to 相关例句


  1. She played up to her art teacher, and suddenly they were a couple.


  2. It seems that she needs two good actors to play up to her.


play up to用汉语怎么样翻译2

  1. I might as well just resign to the fact that I will perpetually play catch up when it comes to knowing what to call people.

  2. Set up primarily to address the regional imbalances within the country, these regional bodies play a key role in the social cohesion of the country.

  3. He said it"s unnecessary to " play up the personal view of Yin, a retired admiral ".

  4. He urged the authorities to let the market play a fundamental role in the allocation of resources and step up innovation in corporate management.

  5. He said " any media reports that play up his death were disrespectful to him ".

  6. The government is gearing up to play a bigger role in developing public transportation, according to a document jointly released by four ministries on Saturday.

  7. A city livable and lively for its people has to play these up rather than have them strangled in the dreadful Las Vegas web.

  8. She has drawn up her dream list of artists she wants to play and is wasting no time asking them.

  9. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is likely to play Jose Antonio Reyes up front alongside either Dennis Bergkamp or fellow Dutchman Robin van Persie.

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展4)

——英文weigh down用汉语怎么样翻译 (菁选2篇)

英文weigh down用汉语怎么样翻译1

  [wei daun]

  weigh down 基本解释


英文weigh down用汉语怎么样翻译2

  1. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

  2. They also were working with pilots of ultralight aircraft on the possibility of putting weights on the homemade craft to weigh it down.

  3. It felt like they were filled with lead and every breath seemed to weigh them down more.

  4. She said that the leading indicator"s hefty drop was not surprising, given the central government"s scrutiny on lending that will weigh down funds flowing into equities.

  5. My unconditioned limbs grow numb and weigh down on my horse, which displays its Mongolian pedigree by settling into a steady gait.

  6. Hoe blades are placed on the bodies to weigh down the buoyant souls, in case they float away.

  7. Robot surgeons currently being used in hospitals weigh several thousand pounds, are not portable and can"t be easily broken down and reconstructed.

  8. She said she prefers to enjoy her matches rather than weigh herself down with pressure.

  9. Credit Suisse remains cautious on the mainland banks"earnings, as it is worried the mainland property market may weigh down profits.

make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展5)

——英语call at用中文怎么样翻译 (菁选2篇)

英语call at用中文怎么样翻译1

  英 [kɔ:l æt] 美 [kɔl æt]

  call at 基本解释

  到…进行短暂访问; 停留

英语call at用中文怎么样翻译2


  A:May I speak to Miss Tan, please?


  B:Sorry, but she is with someone right now.


  A:I see. May I leave her a message then?




  A:Please ask her to call me at 6225-9438.


  B:Yes. I will.


make a stand用汉语怎么样翻译3篇(扩展6)

——英语pull on用中文怎么样翻译 (菁选2篇)

英语pull on用中文怎么样翻译1

  英 [pul ɔn] 美 [pʊl ɑn]

  pull on 基本解释


英语pull on用中文怎么样翻译2

  1. For a small fee, you can rent the goat to pull you around the ice on a sled.

  2. The decision to pull out follows intense efforts under the chairmanship of Norway to negotiate acceptable language on the Middle East issue.

  3. The former diplomat has promised to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

  4. NASA hopes to pull that off later this decade, but the project is on Congress"chopping block.

  5. On weekends the live classic rock and other oldies pull couples from pub games to the wooden dance floor.

  6. The restaurants on the street seem to pull a good mixture of both Chinese and foreign clientele.

  7. The Los Angeles Galaxy player was driving when the setting jammed on heat, forcing him to pull over and find something to cushion his scorched manhood.

  8. London - A policeman who planned to pull over a"reckless driver"found himself helping to deliver a baby on the roadside.

  9. When summer approaches or even in winter, most of us cannot wait to pull on those denim darlings.

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