Hankou station renovation and expansion projects have partly completed and put into use successfully
截至4月10日,由中铁电气化局集团建筑公司承建的汉口站改扩建工程中的合武项目站场和南站房施工已顺利完成,至此汉口站改扩建工程已完成全部工程任务的90%,站场已陆续投入使用。 汉口站位于武汉市江汉区,地处京广线、汉丹线、合武线、汉孝线、汉宜线交汇处,是全国铁路四大路网客运中心之一。汉口站主要承担京广线及沪汉蓉客运大通道客运列车终到、始发和通过作业,是东西“大动脉”的“金扁担”。汉口火车站秉承了百年前老站(大智门车站)的欧式风格,改扩建工程总建筑面积为176780平方米。项目面临施工场地狭窄、工期紧、任务重、技术标准高、既有线施工安全压力大等问题。既有线施工以“施工运营两不误,时间空间两隔离”为指导思想,项目部采用封锁和天窗点相结合的方式组织施工,分阶段施工、分步开通,期间封锁施工5次,天窗点施工220次计57430分钟。严密的施工组织确保了施工安全、质量和进度,期间无一起安全质量事故,满足了各个开通节点,得到建设单位的大力赞扬,建成后的车站得到了地方政府和市民的一致好评。(来源/胡斌、杨玉华、唐涛)
Up to April 10, to contract to build by China Railway Electrification Bureau Group construction company, Hankou station renovation and expansion project has completed 90% of all engineering tasks, the project has been put into use.
Hankou Railway Station adhering to the European style of the old station(the Dazhi door station) a century ago, total construction area of the renovation and expansion project was 176,780 square meters.
Strict construction organization ensure the safety, quality and progress, with no safe quality accident. After the completion,the station won wide applause from the local government and the public acclaim.