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| 来源:网友投稿





Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent andunique. There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe. Weshould have cherished nature and preserved it. Conversely, however, we have beencontinually spoiling it, even to a shocking degree. Now let's see what we havedong.

Thousands of trees have been cut down per year, which has caused soilerosion. Hundreds of thousands of tons of CFCS have been left in the higher skyin the last decade which has led to the ozone layer leak above the South Polethat covers an area of that of the United States. Million tons of fuelcontaining nitrogen and sulphur have been consumed per year, which haseventually resulted in acid rain throughout the world.

Similarly, ecology has been affected as well. And considerable number ofspecies have been extinct as the years go by many creatures which were common inthe past are becoming less and less, even rare. The Tibet antelope, forinstance, is a good example. Since the antelopes of Tibet have a part of fur ontheir body which can be made into a precious cape, driven by some lawlessdealers many villagers killed antelopes excessively and shocking for the largesuns of fortune. Because of this, the number of the antelopes of Tibet hassharply fallen from over one million to less than one hundred thousand. Andwhat's more, the number has now decreased by 20 thousand per year. Qing ZangPlatean, which was their homeland, is their tombs now.

This is how nature has suffered what we have done to it. However, natureand suffer any more. She lost her temper and could no longer possibly put upwith humans. She gave humans harsh punishment, which she thought they deserved.The acid rain has caused the less of more than 100 billion dollars throughoutthe world per year. And because of desertisation, soil is becoming more and morebarren. The soil of many planes is now until for growing plants. The air is lessfresh, and a lot of people even get many stranger diseases. Those are all thepunishment of nature to human's pollution. On the other hand, human being suffera lot as well.

So it leads to a serious of questions--

Why can't we live harmoniously with nature?

Why can't we set a balance between human and nature?

Why can't we pay more attention to nature and try to reserve it?

Therefore, before we take immediate measures to do something, we should beaware of the fact that "Conquering the nature" will never be our goal, instead,we should take the nature as our intimate friend. Preserving nature is not onlypreserving our home, but the civilization of human community as well.


In nature, there are many animals and plants in growth, they are a widerange of colors. And the nature, also gave birth to us, let us have a beautifulliving environment. And, more importantly, the nature to make our earth is fullof vitality, let the world is not dry, not drab. But...

We, as human of higher organisms in nature, for thousands of years in peaceand harmony with nature, is home to the survival of nature has given us, weshould thank it, protect it. But, in recent years, people have been in thedestruction of nature, reformation nature. For example: people don't garbageeverywhere scatters; Air pollution from factories, the tail gas from the carshave polluted the air; People also use the plane to deinsectization sprinkledpesticide in trees, polluting the environment; Of the more hateful anddeforestation, killing animals. The destruction of nature, countless,chilling.

Humans, of course, also can't get away from the punishment of nature.People deforestation, soil erosion, land desertification area is larger andlarger. People dig mountain mining, building roads and other activities, themountain is not stable, so that it is easy to form a landslide or debris flow.According to statistics, in 1991 September 23 the sun village ditch landslideonly 3 minutes, 18 million cubic meters of slope out of more than 3600 meters,216 people were killed and eight people were injured and damaged house 202,nearly 300 head buried livestock, covering more than 300 mu of farmland, floodedroads more than 350 meters, the damaged cables and communication lines of morethan 300 meters, direct economic loss of more than 100 ten thousand yuan! Isreally horrible.

To avoid the punishment of nature, let us live in peace and harmony withnature, use natural resources reasonably, to protect the nature together!


Yesterday I watched the film Kingkong . After the movie ended , I felt abit indignant .Who gives the right to human to capture Kingkong from his home,and who give the right to sentence Kingkong to death.And Why and on what?

Maybe the human demand too much from the nature, just for creation and fame,they captured Kingkong .But is the transient happiness more significant than alife?

Similar to this ,this noon I heard a news by TV.A lot of aigrette wascaught in China when the are migrating . And the migrants always migrated towhere is not a nature preservation.So a lot of people who lost the consciencecaught these birds rampantly. But almost all of them knew the destiny of thecaught birds. After being epilated , they would be sent to the restaurants. AndI don't know , why the people want to wear the birds' feather, what benefit theycould get from wearing it.And eating the rare birds is more ridiculous.As isknown to all , almost all the delicious food has already chosen by our ancestor,that 's poultry and cattle. All the motivation to eat wild aninimals resultsfrom the curiosity and peacockery.But can they be more significant than thevalue of life?

There is another news about the absurd throwing frozen fish competion inAustralia. Every years , 9 tons of fish which has stickly fixed size and weightwas used , in another word , wasted.And to get the fish according with thedemand , tens of times of quantity of fish will be captured , in another word,killed.And almost all the captured fish is wild in the ocean .Why are so muchwild fish wasted and killed ? Just for fun! And just for fun ,then people justcan have the right to deprive the wild animals of lives.Isn't it absurd?

Now I can finally be sympthized with the opinion of the director of thefamous film "the ape planet".

Maybe we all need a lesson to learn to respect nature and treat life .


As we know, the nature is the most important to human. People depend on thenature to live and human need fresh air, water, vegetable, which al come formthe nature. The industry need fuel, raw material, which also root form thenature. What’s more, human also belong to the nature, he is high animal existingin nature. As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we willdiminish ourselves.

However, human beings haven’t paid more attention to this argument. Theyupset the ecological balance and destroy the environment surrounding. Forexample, smoke stacker have disgorged poisonous gases into the atmosphere;factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been felledout; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater have been drawn outunrestrictedly. As the scientists predict, it become dangerous to us if wecontinue to do so. And in some day, human being will destroy the whole earth andcan’t to live any longer.


We often say that the earth is our homeland and human society comes fromnature. Therefore, I think our society is a part of nature. People should liveharmoniously with nature. All the materials we need to live with come fromnature, but we should also repay the nature, rather than blindly solicit. Forexample, we should plant more trees and take actions to protect the environment.In addition, we have to control population. Due to excessive population growth,human beings require much more natural resources than before, which lead toexcessive pressure on nature. In order to long-term development, the populationgrowth must be controlled. We all come from nature which is our homeland, so wemust try best to protect it.

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