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 小学词法专项100题 1 . 按要求将下列词分类。

 red hand six black seven ear ruler book blue yellow head pencil pen one four leg crayon three nose two ( ( ( ( 1 )


 2 )


 3 )


 4 )


 2 . complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. celebrate easy relax special present different popular ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

 I believe you can work it out very , because you are so smart. . 2 )

 Rowing the boat can bring us a sense of 3 )

 It is hard to tell the between these two words. 4 )

 The Dragon Boat Festival is to memorize a great poet. 5 )

 I can get many from my friends on my birthday. 6 )

 I have got many hobbies, playing the piano. 7 )

 He is with students. As we know, he likes telling lies. 3 . 用所给词的适当形式填空 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

 I hope (find) a good job in a foreign company after I graduate from school. 2 )

 He found it hard 3 )

 Father asks me (catch up with) his classmates. (not play) computer games before finishing my homework. 4 )

 All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them 5 )

 Before 2018 we will finish 6 )

 Women (forbid) to go out without veils (面纱)in some Arabic countries. 7 )

 Many children take the risk of (laugh). (build) the school. (punish) by the teachers to have fun in a cool river.

 ( ( ( 8 )

 With you (support) me, I"ll stick to my opinion. 9 )

 (enter) the meeting room, he found all the parents already seated there. 10 )Tommy (tell) many times, but he still could not understand it. 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 用 have to, needn"t或者must完成句子。

 They finish the project quickly because there is no time left. . . . . . Here is a little present A. for you. B. to C. with D. at C. bottle of waters C. meets Please give me two A. bottle of water . B. bottles of water He told me that he A. has met her before. B. had met It was dry yesterday, but it A. is wet today. B. are C. was Complete the letter.Write ONE word for each space. For questions 1-10, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0 for Dear Giulia, ꢀ ꢀThank you didn"t have ꢀI lunch. The food was excellent and near to table. I asked 0 the lovely birthday present. I already had some CDs by the same singer but I 1 one. I like it a lovely time on my birthday. My parents took me all enjoyed it. to write their names on my menu. They wrote: "To Sunniya with great day. I"ll 10 forget meeting them. 2 much. ꢀ 3 4 a Japanese restaurant for 5 6 were some famous actors sitting 7 8 love on your birthday". It was 9 Love, Sunniya

 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

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 1 A B C D 0. 语法和词汇:从 、 、 、 中选出正确答案。

 I am determined to give my to the motherland. A. adult B. youth C. youthful D. young 1 1 1 1. A bear is A. fat than a monkey. B. fatter C. thinner 2. 3. Michelle says that she A. has been to Japan three times. B. had been C. have been D. is - - - are you going to do tonight? - Say goodnight then go to bed. A. Where B. When C. What D. How 1 1 4. 5. leaves are dancing in the air. A. Fall B. Fallen C. Falling D. To fall When I , I saw many .

 A. get home, present B. got home, present C. got home, presents 1 6. - - - is he going? - He"s going to the supermarket. A. What B. Who C. Where C. height C. ate; eat 1 1 1 7. 8. 9. He threw it forward with all his A. weight . B. strength I usually some cakes, but I some fruit yesterday. B. eat; ate A. eat; eat ( ( ( 1 )

 The basket is A. on the table. B. over B. over 2 )

 The light is hanging the table. A. on 3 )

 The light is the dog.

 A. above B. over B. on ( ( 4 )

 The cat is sleeping A. under the table. 5 )

 The dog is the table. A. over B. below 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0. 1. 2. 3. English by many people all over the world. B. is spoken A. is spoke C. was spoke D. was spoken What A. do Mike do last weekend? B. does C. did This is room in the hotel. B. larger A. large C. largest D. the largest T-shirt is this? A. Who"s B. Whose C. Who 4. 太阳升起得早,落下得晚。

 . 5. It"s to see a man over 120 years old. B. common A. rare C. ancient 6. — — I can draw a flower.

 A. What can you draw? B. What can you see? 2 7. I this chocolate before. I it last night. A. ate; ate B. have eaten; have eaten D. have eaten; ate C. ate; have eaten 2 2 8. 9. I in Beijing for two years.(has been, have been) There are A. second buses at the station. B. two C. twelfth 3 3 0. 1. Put the cheese in the A. refrigerator to keep it fresh. B. cooker C. sink D. box - - - A: is that man over there? - B: He is Mr. Wang. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Where 3 3 2. 3. I"ll let you A. on this time but don"t do it again. B. off C. over - - - Is the bird in the tree? - No, . A. he isn"t B. it is C. it isn"t

 3 3 4. 5. Lucy is 42 kg. Kate is 46 kg. So Lucy is than Kate. A. lighter B. younger C. fatter Sport ꢀ ꢀThere are a lot of different kinds of sport. For example, there are ball games. In football you ꢀꢀ1ꢀ to kick the ball, but in tennis you hit it, and in basketball you throw and bounce it. Some people ꢀꢀ2ꢀ water sports. For example, they like swimming ꢀꢀ3ꢀꢀ sailing a boat. In some sports you run and jump, but in some, like fishing, you ꢀꢀ4ꢀꢀ move a lot. Most children do sport at school, and it is very ꢀꢀ5ꢀꢀ for you. ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

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 3 6.

 ( ( 1 )

 2 )

 3 7. When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I entered high school. I had to school bills. 1 going to school because my mother had no money to pay my We began to work in the gardens to save up money for me to go back to school. , I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. And my I asked my headmaster if I could work for the this summer vacation, so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me work in the school garden during the . I had not been able to study well because of my mother"s death. At the end of my second year, I most of my exams and the teacher told me I had to repeat the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went to lessons again. But suddenly I fell ill. Because of my disease I was weak and couldn"t work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster 2 3 went dark. 4 5 6 7 told me not to give up. And my teachers and classmates will finish my third year. 8 me a lot. Now, I"m feeling better and

 My life is still not 9 . A few students laugh at my poor clothes. They also call me "farmer" 10 hard days will always be followed by sunshine. because I work in the school garden. But I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

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 A. stop B. start C. keep D. finish A. Especially A. mind B. Probably B. world B. zoo C. Finally C. heart D. Usually D. family D. museum D. holidays D. had A. school A. afternoon A. passed A. along C. park B. year C. weekends C. failed C. down C. worried C. easy B. took B. back B. gave B. hard D. up A. helped A. terrible D. taught D. difficult D. believe 10 )

 A. discover B. imagine C. notice 3 3 4 8. 9. 0. It"s 12 o"clock at noon. He"s having . A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. time The box is as A. heavy as that one. B. heavier C. more heavy D. heaviest Noah usually back from work at 6:00 p.m.

 A. comes B. came C. come D. will come 4 1. Peter and I A. have already seen that movie. B. has C. did 4 4 2. 3. (吃午餐 ) at 12 :

 00 every day. I I don"t like those pants. A. It are purple. B. They C. This D. That 4 4. — — Excuse me, does Maria live here? No. She to London last winter. B. moved A. moves C. will move D. has moved 4 5. since ꢀꢀ as soon as ꢀꢀ until ( ( ( 1 )

 I have learned many things 2 )

 I have never heard from Betty I left my hometown. she left. 3 )

 Please tell me you know the result. 4 6. We the museum last Friday, but we didn"t pictures. A. visit; took B. visited; take C. visited; took 4 4 4 7. 8. 9. My teacher guided me to write a long English letter to my pen pal. My teacher me to write a long English letter to my pen pal. By the time I arrived home, I realized that I A. have left B. had left my key at my office. C. left - -- Who is Michael?

 - -- boy in our class. A. Tall B. Taller C. Tallest D. The tallest 5 5 0. she need a computer? A. Doꢀ B. Doesꢀꢀ C. Is 1. 判断句子表达正( )误( ):

 √ × It"s yellow and white, black. A. √ B. × 5 2. — — is the supermarket? It"s on your right. A. What B. Where B. read 5 5 3. 4. On Thursday I"ll A. help my teacher. China is A. large country of all the Asian countries. B. larger C. the largest 55. ꢀꢀ When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be very difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible — and it can be surprisingly ꢀꢀ1ꢀꢀ (benefit) to your physical and mental health. So far, research ꢀꢀ2ꢀꢀ (show) that people who forgive can have more energy, better appetite and better

 sleep. "People who forgive show ꢀꢀ3ꢀꢀ (little) anger and more hopefulness," says Dr. Frederic Luskin, who wrote the book Forgive for Good. "So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people ꢀꢀ4ꢀꢀ (feel) more energetic." ꢀ ꢀSo when someone has hurt you, cool down first. Take a couple of breaths and think of something ꢀ 5 ꢀꢀ gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Don"t wait for an ꢀꢀ6ꢀꢀ (apologize). "Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing," says Dr. Luskin. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don"t see things ꢀꢀ7ꢀꢀ same way. So if you wait for people to say sorry, you could be waiting a very long time." ꢀNext keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean ꢀꢀ8ꢀꢀ (accept) the action of " ꢀ the person who upsets you. Instead, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things ꢀꢀ9ꢀꢀ the other person"s perspective. You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write a letter to ꢀꢀ10ꢀꢀ (you) from that person"s point of view. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 )

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 5 5 5 6. 7. 8. Jill can run much A. quickly than Bill. B. quicklier C. more quickly D. the most quickly D. most quiet one Lily is the of the two girls. B. quiet one A. quieter one C. more quiet one

 The/the street was wet, it rained last night. A. /; because B. Because; so C. Because; but D. When; and 5 6 9. 0. Listen!

 She is (sing)English song. - - - your uncle write stories? - No, he reads stories. A. Is B. Does C. Do then. 6 1. Mr. Smith will ...

推荐访问:英语词法专项练习100题 词法 英语 专项









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