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  卷 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 189

 ( 题后含答案及解析) 题型有:





 Read carefully the following excerpt on the value of overseas higher education and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

  - summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

  - comment on whether overseas higher education is still worth the price.

 You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.

  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Is Overseas Higher Education Still Worth the Price?

  It can cost up to $40,000 a year to attend the best schools in America. Despite the devastating recession, the cost of attending a university has continued to rise. Public in-state tuition averages $7,000 a year while private schools average $26,000. On top of tuition, there is at least another $12,000 for room and board, books, and other expenses.

  Yayun Pan travelled half way around the world from China to study economics at Georgetown, one of the most prestigious universities in America. She says she wanted to broaden her horizons.

  “This is an international world and it’s not enough for me to study only in my hometown. “ That’s a feeling shared by Jaewoo Kim—who came here from South Korea to study international relations. “Pressure for a good education is very high back home. And Korean parents tend to be more aggressive about their children’s education and a better future. “ He is paying nearly $50,000 this year for tuition, room, and board.

  But the devastating recession and unemployment at nearly 10 percent cast doubt on whether a college degree still worth the cost. Elyse Ashburn, senior editor, said, “ So much money invested in a higher education is worth the cost. I think it matters where they go and get a degree. The reality is mat different places have different values in the market place. That depends on the student and what they can afford. “ Prof. Stephen Rosen of Georgetown University said, “The data is overwhelming that education is more important than ever before. The financial ratio of a BA graduate versus a high school graduate has exploded in the last few decades. Put it in simpler words, overseas higher education truly is still worth the efforts. “


 Overseas Higher Education Is Still Worth the Price

  Hefty expenses of overseas universities have put people into questioning minds—Is overseas higher education still worth the price? The aspiration for wider horizons and the pressure for a better education are the main reasons that push students abroad, who, thankfully, are ensured by experts that their investment in higher education will be rewarded handsomely.

  Advanced overseas education, despite its woefully high tuition, is a sure route to a decent life for graduates. Firstly, in this era of knowledge economy, most prestigious industries acknowledge and welcome high-flying

  graduates from the first-rank universities whose rigorous, innovative and updated teaching can beat other schools as the most exuberant suppliers of qualified graduates. The highly competitive environment breeds the highly competitive brains whose expertise fully trained during school time will undoubtedly make an abundant application to the job market. Moreover, even for those who have chosen a less lucrative major, a span of overseas experience, the avatar of wider horizons and a deeper touch with alien cultures surely nourish the soul, though, for the time being, they may not fatten their wallets. Lastly, the intellectual ingredients such as critical thinking, creative power, communicative skills picked from overseas universities will still guarantee a better shot in the job market.

  In a word, the expensive tuition and other related costs of overseas higher education may dwarf the potentiality of its worth: however, in the long run, in this lackluster market, should graduates from the top-drawer schools have a difficult time in securing jobs and getting paid off, who else would have a better chance? 解析:




 Read carefully the following excerpt on the revision of textbooks which increases the content of Chinese traditional culture and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:

  - summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then

  - comment on why such revision is necessary.

  You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.

  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

 Revised Textbook Turns to Chinese Traditional Culture

  Chinese language textbooks in China’s primary and secondary schools have been revised to focus more on traditional culture, according to an editor.

  Starting this autumn, more than four million first and seventh graders from Hunan, Henan, Guangdong, Liaoning and other provincial-level regions will use the new textbooks.

  According to Wang Xuming, president of the Language and Culture Press, 40 percent of the content in the previous edition has been changed.

  Traditional material makes up 30 percent of the revised primary school textbooks, while it increases to about 40 percent for secondary school textbooks.

  “We did so to address the needs of parents, who want their children to learn more about traditional culture,” said a senior editor surnamed Zhu in charge of the middle school textbooks.

  “ Now many people cannot even understand the language in classical Chinese books, and parents compete to send their children to commercial training centers for traditional culture,” she said.

  China has seen a renewed interest in traditional education. A report by the Southern Metropolitan Daily said that China has more than 3,000 Sishu, or traditional private schools, in addition to training centers teaching students classical essays.

  “Demand for private

  education grows when teaching of traditional culture in public schools is not enough. What’s more, the poetry and essays in the new textbooks were selected not only for students to learn the language, but also to instruct them on philosophy. “ Zhu said.

  Primary and middle schools in China had uniform textbooks before an education reform in 2001, which allowed schools in different provinces to use different textbooks. More than ten publishers have released their own textbooks.

  This is the first revision the press has made in more than a decade. They have replaced some outdated articles.


 Chinese Traditional Culture Should Be Promoted

  The nation-wide revision of textbooks witnesses a significant increase in the content of Chinese traditional culture. Hailed by parents as a stepping stone for future learning, the new content manifests a renewed interest in traditional culture which will guide students to learn not only classical language but also philosophy. Personally, I think the promotion of Chinese traditional culture at all educational levels should be welcomed.

  Firstly, the millennial-old Chinese culture, be it embodied in the flowering politics and philosophies or the exquisite crafts, is an asset for today’s young generation. China, as it is catapulted into an unprecedented rate of development, desperately calls for its citizens to have a deep understanding of its cultural roots as well as a sense of pride in its cultural luster. Only by instilling the ancient culture into the young minds can the legacy be preserved and the cultivation of its influence be guaranteed. Moreover, as the pearl of wisdom, traditional culture carries with it sage axioms that can definitely solve the thorny contemporary issues. For example, the ethics of Confucius teach us to introspect ourselves and respect others: the fundamental outlook of Taoism leads us into a more harmonious world: the benevolence of Mencius breaks the ice of today’s warring deadlock. The young generation, who are at a stage of development in their lives, should make full use of these blessings bequeathed from our ancestors.

  As the saying goes, “ Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. “ It is our duty to protect the ancient wisdom and bring it into full play. 解析:




 Do students learn more from classes than from other sources? This has been an intensely discussed question for years. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your views on the issue.

  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


  Teachers have the capability of explaining points in a deeper way and provide not only

  theoretical knowledge but also practical experience about life.

  In the conventional teaching and learning mode, teachers and students co-exist in an environment where they can have timely interaction. This means teachers can have a more comprehensive and direct understanding of their students’ strong points and shortcomings, which guarantees that students can learn more from the courses tailored to their needs.

  Teachers not only function as initiators who impart knowledge but also serve as supervisors or guardians. This is especially true in the case where students are less self-discipl...

推荐访问:专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷189(题后含答案及解析) 作文 英语四级 模拟试卷









最近发表了一篇名为《小学品德教师期末工作总结范文》的范文,感觉很有用处,重新整理了一下发到这里[http: www fwwang cn]。时光飞逝,如梭之日,回顾这段时间的工作,一定有许多的艰难困苦,是时候在工作总结中好好总结过去的成绩了。下面小编在这里为大家精心整理了几篇小学教师期















