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 1.单选题 (1.5 分)ABDACDBCDWhich one should not be including in writing scientific papers?Scientific attitude.Logics in presention.C Our own feelings and emotions.Authentic language.2.单选题 (1.5 分)If the readers want to know the result of the paper quickly, which part can theyread?Introduction.B Abstract.DiscussionThe whole paper.3.单选题 (1.5 分)Which of the following translation is authentic?A 注意安全 ---- take care.第一教学楼 ---- No.1 teaching building.小心落水 ---- fall into water carefully.投诉电话 ---- law suit phone number.4.单选题 (1.5 分)

 ACDABDACDWhich statement is CORRECT when we read work of others?Comment on other people"s work with an offensive attitude.B Comment on other people"s work when you think the other people"s work isvaluable to the academic community. Use the word like this is nothing but… We don’t need to be generous because every work has its shortcomings.5.单选题 (1.5 分)Which one is NOT the main factor when the reviewer determine whether toaccept your paper?The contribution of your paper.The novelty of methodology.C The number of references you cite.The quality of your model.6.单选题 (1.5 分)Which statement is NOT CORRECT in problem descriptions or formulationsection?If you have descriptions of the approach or algorithm, you put ithere.B If you have simulation results or numerical results, you put ithere.If you want to emphasize the novelty of your method, you describe theuniquefeatures of the method.In this section, you want to let the contributions of the paper standout.

 7.单选题 (1.5 分)ABDACDBCDWhich one is CORRECT when you list the references? It’s ok if you put as many references as youcan.To enrich your paper, you should can list something that is not referred toinyour paper.C Every reference you list here must be referred in the main text. It’s proper for you to list many home made references.8.单选题 (1.5 分)What should you do if you want to show acknowledgment? It’s not appropriate to put acknowledgment in the front page.B You can put a separate section of acknowledgment in your paper.If you acknowledge Albert Einstein, you should thank him based on thefact.The length of acknowledgment should be strictly constrained.9.单选题 (1.5 分)Generally speaking, what does the proof reading mean?A It means your paper has been scheduled to published in the next issuesandyou need to return it promptly.It means your paper has many problems and you need to return itpromptly.It means your paper has been published and you need to return itpromptly.It means your paper has been returned.

 10.单选题 (1.5 分)BDABCABDAWhich of the following is CORRECT about equations and variables. If you clearly know the meaning of a variable, it’s ok that it is notdefined. It’s ok if the papers are full of equations and variables.C Usually the equations and the symbols only serve as shorthandforpresentation.You can write the equations in the form you like randomly.11.单选题 (1.5 分)Which of the following author names may not be the right format of thereference?X. Guan, Zhang, S., S. Li, WuWang.Guan, X, Zhang, S., Li, S., Wang, W.Xiaohong Guan, S. Zhang, S. Li, Wang, W.D Guan Xiaohong, Zhang, S., S.Li, W.Wang.12.单选题 (1.5 分)Which statement is correct to response to reviews?"How can you be so stupid?""You don"t even understand this." C "Thank you for your advises, it deed help in my work ,but Ithink…...""What do I mean by this?"

 13.单选题 (1.5 分)ACDABCABDWhich description of the feature of the review system is CORRECT? The author knows the reviewer, but the reviewer doesn’t know theauthor. B The authors don’t know the reviewer, but the reviewer knows theauthors.The reviewers know each other.The author knows the reviewer, and the reviewer know the author,too.14.单选题 (1.5 分)For one hour’s talk , about how long should you prepare for it?30 minutes .About one hour .About two hoursD 7.5hours or more15.单选题 (1.5 分)What is a good presentation?Use many beautiful animations, but the content is not fulfilled.The topic of your presentation is interesting in your aspect.C The subject of your presentation is welcomed by the audience.The words in your slide are of large size to make the audience lookclearly.

 16.单选题 (1.5 分)Which statement is correct?BCDABCABDA Don"t keep the laser pointer on all the time.In order to relax ,you can keep your hands in your pocket.It is ok that you just read the PPT from the screen.Using a monotone delivery and uniform emphasis is also ok.17.单选题 (1.5 分)Which statement is correct when facing a question that you don’t know theanswer?Taking lots of time thinking on the stage. Saying” I don’t know and you can ask google”.Complain the question is not a good question. D Saying “I don"t know the answer now, but I can do some little studyandanswer you offline.”18.单选题 (1.5 分)Which is NOT the correct statement in the following?You can prepare some slides for some expected question.You can take the questions in the rehearsal as pre-reviews. C ) You cannot say I don"t know even if you don’t have an answer.You can offer the approach to finding the answer if necessary

 19.单选题 (1.5 分)Which statement is correct?ACDABCACDIt is ok to list many homemade references.B It is ok to list many references that are published recently.It is ok to list 3 pages of references if your paper just have 6 pages.It is ok to list many references that are 20 or 30 years old.20.单选题 (1.5 分)What should you do when you present a paper?Prepare slides strictly according to the time limitMake presentation and answer questions politelyRead program carefully, locate your session and be aware the time slotforpresentationD All the above21.单选题 (1.5 分)What does “no show ”mean in the video? You don’t submit the final paper.B You submit a paper to the conference and you do not show up. Don’t show off when you make presentation. You don’t do a good presentation.

 22.单选题 (1.5 分)ACDBCDACDHow long should the author usually spend on presenting the paper?About 2 or 3 minutes.B About 15 to 20 minutes.About an hour.About two hours or more.23.单选题 (1.5 分)When should we meet session chair ? A At author’s breakfast or just before the sessionAt poster sessions. During other’s presentation.Just at any time.24.单选题 (1.5 分)Which part mainly determine the contributions of the paper?Validity or correctness of the method.B Originality or creativity of the concept.Clarity of the writing.Suitability of the readership

 25.单选题 (1.5 分)ABCABDABCAs an AE, what information should you get after glancing over the paper?What the paper about.Its potential contributions.Who are other leading researchers in the area.D All the above.26.单选题 (1.5 分)How long should you spend on completing the review?One week.Two weeks.C Four to six weeks.Ten weeks or more.27.单选题 (1.5 分)What information should you give authors if you want they to revise?which parts to cuthow the paper should be reorganizedhow the paper should be revised.D All the above.

 28.单选题 (1.5 分)ABCABCABCWhat are the tasks of a conference session chair ?Meeting the authors either in author"s breakfast or just before thesession.Introducing the authors.Controlling the presentation time and follow the schedule.D All the above.29.单选题 (1.5 分)In some conferences, What do you need to report to the program committeeHow many papers are presentedAnyone no showHow the session goes.D All the above.30.单选题 (1.5 分)Which disciplines contribute to “Quantum Informatics”?Information &Transportation.Information& biology.Information& chemistry.D Information& physics

 31.判断题 (1.5 分)When writing proposals, we should concentrate on the reviewers’ side.正确错误32.判断题 (1.5 分)If you find out there are several authors no show, you can say” Let mecombine the session with somebody else, who is unsigned”.正确错误33.判断题 (1.5 分)A paper is usually reviewed by one reviewer.正确错误34.判断题 (1.5 分)To make it easier , you can send emails to all the reviewers simultaneously.正确错误35.判断题 (1.5 分)If you find the paper is really interesting, can you say, "I know the paper havenot been published yet, so I can directly use the information?"正确错误36.判断题 (1.5 分)Serving as a reviewer can help you develop the capability of critical readingand providing critic reviews.正确错误

 37.判断题 (1.5 分)Validity or correctness of the method .means whether your paper fits thisconference or journal.正确错误38.判断题 (1.5 分)Plenary and keynote speeches are very important because it often discussesthe future development and research directions.正确错误39.判断题 (1.5 分)In poster sessions, you can just leave the poster at designated area and hangout正确错误40.判断题 (1.5 分)When making a poster, printing out your PPT is also a good choice.正确错误41.判断题 (1.5 分)For your own paper, there is no need to ask for permission from publisher ifyou want to reuse the graph and picture of this paper.正确错误

 42.判断题 (1.5 分)To make it easier, you can just list the one and use “et al” for the other if thereference paper have five authors.正确错误43.判断题 (1.5 分)In order to prepare a good presentation, you can record your talk and thenrehearse and practice.正确错误44.判断题 (1.5 分)The pronunciations in slides is not very important so we can slur them.正确错误45.判断题 (1.5 分)In order to enhance performance, you should use slides as many as possible.正确错误46.判断题 (1.5 分)Don’t use too many variables and notations ,or the audience would forget.正确错误47.判断题 (1.5 分)If you use a circle to present something , you also could use it to presentanother thing in the same talk.正确错误

 48.判断题 (1.5 分)If you have much information to show , it is ok to make a slide too crowded.正确错误49.判断题 (1.5 分)To make it easier ,it is ok to copy texts form your thesis to the slide directly.正确错误50.判断题 (1.5 分)The reviewer may wonder whether you understand recent development if youuse many references 20/30 years ago.正确错误51.多选题 (2.5 分)In order to write good paper , what should be included in your work ?A Theoretic investigation.B Experiments.C Numerical testing.D Simulation.

 52.多选题 (2.5 分)CDWhat information should the title show?A The contribution of the paper.B The unique features.T...

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