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  接下来在《超自然实录》播出 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... (尖叫) [ screaming ] ……令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声 使哥伦比亚的一个小镇陷入恐慌 narrator: ...Bloodcurdling screams terrorize a colombian town. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 这尖叫声很可怕 this scream is terrifying. 我不知道它在说什么 I don"t know what it"s saying 但不管是什么 我都在听 but whatever it is

 I"m listening. 一对父子被一个神秘的生物追杀 Narrator: A father and son are hunted by a mysterious creature. 肖恩:走 走 走! Shawn: Go


 go! 这是大脚怪 我可以告诉你 It was bigfoot-like. I can tell you that. 一个男人的家里闹鬼了…… Narrator: A man"s home is haunted... 哦 [哔哔] De scheemaecker: Oh

 [bleep]. ……一个有着扭曲幽默感的恶作剧鬼 Narrator: ...By a poltergeist with a twisted sense of humor. 把淋浴器打开了 De scheemaecker: Put the shower on. 哦 我的上帝 谢谢你!


 my god. Thank you. 这是一种同居情况 This is sort of a cohabitation situation. 神秘的空中现象困扰着美国海军飞行员…… Narrator: Mysterious aerial phenomenon baffle us navy pilots... 这些人知道自己在飞行时看到了什么 These guys know what things look like when they"re flying 他们被眼前的景象震惊了 and they"re shocked by what they"re seeing. 还有更多你必须亲眼看到才会相信的超自然镜头…… Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see...

 莫拉莱斯:天哪 怎么了? Morales: God

 what is it? ……才会相信 Narrator: ...To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第四集 被阿肯色州大脚怪跟踪的父子 Arkansas Bigfoot Stalks a Father and Son 有一些令人毛骨悚然的城市传说 there are bone-chilling urban legends 让人毛骨悚然的血腥玛丽 瘦长鬼影 钩子人 that send shivers down one"s spine -- bloody mary


 the hook. 女:(尖叫) Woman: [ screams ] 在内心深处 narrator: Deep down 这些传说的哪些方面最让你害怕? what aspects of these legends scares you the most? 是因为让人震惊的血淋淋的细节 Is it the shock factor the gory details 还是说 虽然这个想法很牵强 or is it the idea

 however far-fetched 但城市传说可能是真的? that this legend could actually be true? (尖叫) [ screams ] 这种恐惧可能是因为哭泣的女人 narrator: That fear might be the reason why the terrifying curse of la llorona 拉洛罗娜的可怕诅咒 the weeping

 wailing woman 它是拉丁美洲文化中最臭名昭著的传说之一 is one of the most infamous legends in latin-american culture 哥伦比亚的一个村庄都被吓坏了 and why one colombian village stood frozen in terror 因为他们相信拉洛罗娜会来拜访他们 when they believed la llorona came to pay them a visit. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 案例:哥伦比亚的诅咒 哥伦比亚小镇皮埃德奎斯塔—— the colombian town of piedecuesta --

 2017 年秋天 in the fall of 2017 夜深人静时 in the dead of night 居民和当地警♥察♥被一个令人毛骨悚然的女人尖叫声 吸引到了一个建筑工地里 residents and local police were drawn to this construction site by what sounded like a woman"s bloodcurdling screams. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 警♥察♥徒劳地寻找着尖叫声的来源 而居民们则恐惧地挤在一起 narrator: The police search in vain for the source of the screams while the residents huddle in fear 有些人有了一个想法 a few of them with only one thought in mind 她会不会是那个哭泣的女人拉洛罗娜? could this be la llorona

 the weeping woman? (尖叫) [ screaming ] 大家好 我叫亚历山大·阿福乐·奥提兹 我是这个视频的拥有者也是拍摄者 那晚 12 点 30 至凌晨 1 点 我在附近的生意结束了 然后我来到这个事件的场地 我在那里待了 1 小时到 1 个半小时 然后开始有了尖叫 走 出去 然后有更多的尖叫 出去 出去 基于这一点 我认为她是“哭泣的女人”(拉洛罗娜)

 拉洛罗娜的意思是哭泣的女人 la llorona means the weeping woman 她可能是拉丁文化中最著名的幽灵传说 and she"s probably the most famous ghost legend in latino cultures. 有一个美丽的年轻女子 The story goes that there was a beautiful young woman 饱受自我和虚荣心的折磨 who kind of suffered from ego and vanity. 她爱上了一个外国男人 和他生了孩子 She fell in love with a foreign man

 had children with him 她和他的恋情也不太顺利

 and her love affair with him didn"t go so well. 他对家人唯一的爱就是孩子们 The only affection he gave to anyone in the family was to the children 但她非常嫉妒孩子们 and she became incredibly jealous of the children. 最后她把孩子们扔进了湍急的河里 然后马上就后悔了 She ends up throwing her kids into a raging river and immediately regrets the whole thing 当她试图救孩子时 and as she tries saving her children 自己也淹死了 she ends up drowning herself 因此她杀死了孩子和她自己 thus killing the children and herself. 因为她犯下了谋杀和自杀 And because she committed the ultimate sins 这样的滔天大罪 她被诅咒永远流浪在地球上 murder and suicide

 she"s cursed to forever roam the earth 寻找她的孩子 looking for her children. 你会听到她哭泣 You will hear her crying. 通常 你会听到她非常非常大声的哭泣 Usually

 she"s heard weeping very

 very loudly 因为她正在找孩子们 because she"s looking for them. 走 出去 这些尖叫声是不是属于那个在皮埃德奎斯塔 寻找她死去孩子的鬼魂? Narrator: Did these screams belong to the ghost of la llorona searching for her dead children in piedecuesta? 这件事引起了恐慌 不是我一个人被吓到 很多人那时候都被吓到了 我们有点进入集体恐慌 尖叫声 好从坟墓里传出来的 不像是活人发出的尖叫声 走 出去 海斯:所以这种尖叫声很可怕 Hayes: So this scream is terrifying. 不管是什么 我都在听 不管它是什么 我都会注意到的 Whatever it is

 I"m listening. I"m heeding whatever it is.

 这真的很可怕 It"s terrifying. 莫兰:当你想到《拉洛罗娜》的时候 你肯定会想到这个故事 Moran: It"s definitely what you would think of when you think of la llorona. 所有的目击者都说 听过这种哭声 All of the witnesses tell of this sort of wail. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 我觉得只要你听到恐怖的尖叫声 I think anytime you hear bloodcurdling screams 即使你知道这是一部你坐下来看的恐怖电影 你的血也会变冷 even if you know the source

 even if it"s a horror movie that you sat down to watch

 your blood goes cold 你脖子后面的汗毛也会竖起来 and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 你处于一种 You are just in a state of “好吧 接下来会发生什么?”的状态 "okay

 what"s gonna happen next?" 而现在 我们在外面 and here

 we"re outside. 只有街道 废弃的建筑 It"s just the streets

 abandoned building 而你也听到了尖叫声? and you"re hearing these screams? 不管原因是什么 肯定不是好事 Whatever is causing it

 it can"t be good. 无论是警♥察♥还是我们都没有找到尖叫的人 但是突然间 Narrator: But then suddenly 警♥察♥发现了一件似乎是裙子的东西 the police find what appears to be a dress. 这真的是哭泣女人的睡衣吗? Could it really be the weeping woman"s nightgown? 出现了一件睡衣 女式睡袍 哭泣女人通常是长头发 睡衣垂到脚踝 那里就找到了一件睡衣 那么 他们做了什么? 他们往上面倒了汽油 然后用火烧掉

 如果这真的属于鬼魂的话 But if this truly belonged to a disturbed ghost 把长袍烧了真的是个好主意吗? was burning the robe really a good idea? 你最不愿意做的事就是烧掉一个鬼魂留下的东西 The last thing you ever want to do is burn a haunted object 原因是 and the reason for this is 里面的能量会被释放 is that energy will now be released. 能量守恒定律说 能量既不能被创造 也不能被消灭 The law of conservation of energy says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 它只是改变了形式 It only changes form 所以如果它与一个物体相连 so if it"s connected to an object 如果它以任何方式注入了那个物体 if it is infused in any way with that object 一旦你毁了它 它就需要去别的地方了 once you destroy it

 it now needs someplace to go. 它需要一个藏身之处 It needs someplace to harbor. 但是尖叫并没有就此结束 Narrator: But the screaming didn"t end there. 根据亚历山大的说法 一晚接一晚的哀嚎持续了六个月 直到最后 According to alexander

 the wailing continued night after night for six more months until finally 祭司们终结了这一切 priests put an end to it. 我最近又去了那里 问了当地人 现在一切都平静了 一切很安静 因为祭司去了那里 他们倾倒了圣水 和所有圣洁的东西 虽然这个哭泣的女人 可能去另一个城镇寻找她的孩子了 Although it"s possible the weeping woman has moved on to another town in search of her children 但皮埃德奎斯塔的人们不会很快忘记她的尖叫声 piedecuesta will not soon forget her screams. (尖叫)

 [ screaming ] 在听过这些尖叫 和哭泣后 没人愿意再买♥♥那里的房♥产和土地了 那里被遗弃了 那幢建筑就一直空在那里 直到现在 那幢建筑一直废弃着 这说明我们发现的谋杀犯母亲 是多么反常多么可怕 it really speaks to just how unnaturally monstrous we find murdering mothers. 我是说 我们不会讲述父亲谋杀孩子的故事 I mean

 we don"t tell these stories about fathers who murder their children. 这些都是关于母亲杀害自己孩子的故事 These are stories we tell about mothers who murder their children 在民间传说中 在流行文化中 在电影中 在文学中 杀人的母亲是一个标志性人物 and the murderous mother as an iconic figure

 in folklore

 in popular culture

 in film

 in literature 这是我们社会一直与之斗争的事情 is really a thing our society struggles with 所以毫无疑问 我们有关于这个特定想法的跨文化传说 so there is no wonder that we have legends cross-culturally about this particular idea. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 听说拉洛罗娜是一回事 it"s one thing to hear about la llorona. 听到她的哭泣是另一回事 It"s another thing to hear her weeping. (尖叫) [ screaming ] 接下来 另一个奇怪的现象出现在天空 narrator: Coming up

 another bizarre phenomenon is seen floating in the sky. 男:天啊 怎么了? Man: God

 what is it? 这个世界上有些现象很奇怪 narrator: There are phenomena in this world that are so bizarre 如此不可思议 以至于我们的大脑会不惜一切代价去尝试 so incomprehensible that our minds will do anything to try 让我们理解眼前发生的事情 and make sense of the event unfolding in front of our eyes. 正是在这些时刻 我们倾向于抓住一些比我们自己更伟大的东西作为一种解释 It is in those moments that we tend to latch on to something greater than ourselves as a kind of explanation.

 它是一只鸟 这是一架飞机 It"s a bird. It"s a plane. 这是…… It"s... 莫拉莱斯:那是耶稣基♥督♥吗? Morales: Is that jesus christ? 案例:天使还是魔鬼 在加利福尼亚伯班克一个春天的晚上 narrator: On a spring evening in burbank

 california 巴勃罗•莫拉莱斯和他的妻子以及朋友们出去玩 突然他们注意到天空中有什么东西 pablo morales and his wife were hanging out with friends when they suddenly noticed something in the sky. 上帝 那是什么? 我叫巴勃罗•莫拉莱斯 视频是我拍的 Hey

 my name is pablo morales

 and I filmed the video. 有一个 8 到 10 英尺高的物体在空中盘旋 There was a


 a 8-foot to 10-foot object that was just


 hovering up in th...

推荐访问:Paranormal Caught on Camera《超自然实录(2020)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 超自然 实录 第二季









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