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 WHEREAS, ROC, in its role as an Iraqi State oil and gas company, is exclusively entrusted with and authorized for development and production of the ------ Field, in accordance with the Law; and 鉴于,区域运营公司(ROC)在其作为伊拉克国家石油和天然气公司被依法唯一委托和授权开发------ 油田;和

 WHEREAS, Contractor has sound financial standing, technical competency, and professional skills to provide any and all of the technical services warranted for rehabilitation, improved production, enhanced recovery, and generally all and any Petroleum Operations as defined herein; and 然而,承包商有健全的财务状况、技术能力和专业技能,以提供任何和所有必要的技术服务,以恢复、改进生产、加强恢复,以及一般所有和任何石油运营。

  WHEREAS, the Parties mutually represent that they have the power, authority and desire to enter into this Technical Service Contract for the ----- Field as defined herein. 鉴于,双方相互承诺,他们有权力,授权和意愿签署本协议中所定义的-----区域的技术服务合同。

 (ii) the Plateau Production Target at the Net Production Rate of -- Barrels of Crude Oil and NGL per day for the Plateau Production Period. It is understood that the Plateau Production Target shall only include production from producing reservoirs as defined in Annex D, and is to be achieved, subject to Article 12.2, not later than six (6) Years from the Effective Date. 在高峰产量期间,以每日原油和液态天然气的净生产速率为高峰产量目标。各方同意,高峰产量目标应仅包括附件 D 中定义的生产储层中的生产,并应根据第 12.2 条的规定,自生效日期起不迟于六(6)年实现。

 (b) annually assess and determine the maximum volume of reserves and resources of Petroleum in the Contract Area;


 (c) provide or arrange to provide all capital, machinery, equipment, technology, personnel and services necessary to conduct Petroleum Operations through the Operator; 提供或安排提供通过运营商实施石油运营所需的全部资金、机械、设备、技术、人员和服务;

 (d) incur all costs and expenses required for carrying out Petroleum Operations in accordance with approved Plans, Work Programs and Budgets in order to achieve the production levels set out in this Article 2; and 承担按照批准的计划、工程方案和预算实施石油作业所需的所有费用和开支,以达到本条第 2 款规定的生产水平;和

 (e) fulfilll all financial and other obligations of Contractor and enjoy all rights and benefits, in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.


 2.3 Discovered but undeveloped reservoirs, as defined in Annex D, may be developed and produced under this Contract but shall be subject to a separately agreed remuneration fee which the Parties undertake to, in good faith, agree. If no such agreement is reached within the period set forth in Article 5, ROC shall be free to develop such reservoirs in any manner it may deem appropriate, taking care not to hinder or unduly interfere with Petroleum Operations. 如附件 D 所规定,已发现但未开发的储量可根据本合同开发和生产,但须另行商定的报酬费用,双方应本着诚意同意。如果在第 5 条规定的期限内未达成此种协议,区域运营公司可自由地以其认为适当的任何方式开发此种储量,同时注意不要妨碍或不适当地干扰石油运营。

 2.4 For a period of six (6) years from the Effective Date Contractor shall have the right to negotiate a separate agreement to explore for and develop the undiscovered potential reservoirs, as defined in Annex D. If no such agreement

 is reached in this time period, ROC shall be free to explore and develop such reservoirs in any manner it may deem appropriate, taking care not to hinder or unduly interfere with Petroleum Operations. 从生效日期起六(6)年内,承包商有权协商单独的协议,以勘探和开发附件 D 中定义的未发现的潜在储层。如果在此期间未达成任何协议,区域运营公司可以其认为适当的任何方式自由勘探和开发此类油藏,同时注意不要妨碍或不适当地干扰石油运营。

 (c) conduct of detailed geological and reservoir engineering studies, including 3-D simulation for the reservoirs targeted for enhanced production; 实施详细的地质和储层工程研究,包括对旨在提高产量的储层实施 3-D模拟;

 (d) drilling appraisal and/or development wells with the aim of further Appraisal of the relevant reservoirs defined in Annex D, and achieving planned production in accordance with the Rehabilitation Plan;

 钻探评估和/或开发井,目的是进一步评估附件 D 中定义的相关储量,并根据重建计划实现计划的生产;

 (e) conduct of detailed laboratory and reservoir engineering studies to evaluate most suitable secondary and/or enhanced recovery mechanisms for the reservoirs targeted under the Rehabilitation Plan and Enhanced Redevelopment Plan; and 实施详细的实验室和油藏工程研究,以根据重建计划和强化的再开发计划所针对的储量评估最合适的二级和(或)提高生产采收率机制;和

 (f) performing engineering studies and building/upgrading all necessary surface installations required under the Rehabilitation Plan, and initiation of engineering work and infrastructure facilities expected to be incorporated in the Enhanced Redevelopment Plan. 实施工程研究和建造/升级重建计划所需的所有必要的地面设施,并启动预计将纳入提高生产能力的重建计划的工程工作和基础设施。

 6.2 Contractor shall spend a minimum amount of ---- USD (US$----) in the course of the Operator implementing the Minimum Work Obligation specified in Annex E. The Minimum Expenditure Obligation shall be deemed to have been met provided that the Minimum Work Obligations under Annex E are fulfilled. 承包商应在运营商履行附件 E 规定的最低工作义务过程中开支最低金额为 美元。只要附件 E 规定的最低工作义务得到履行,最低支出义务应视为已经履行。

 (b) In the event of termination of this Contract (whether by ROC or by Contractor), in accordance with this Article 8, Contractor hereby warrants that it shall not obstruct, hinder or otherwise interfere in anyway with Petroleum Operations by ROC or any third party. 如果本合同终止(无论是由区域运营公司还是承包商),根据本条第 8 款,承包商特此保证,它不会阻碍、妨碍或以其他方式干扰区域运营公司或任何第三方的石油运营。

 (c) The provisions of this Article 8.2 shall not prejudice ROC’s rights to refer any dispute in relation to the termination of this Contract to be resolved in accordance with Article 37. 本条第8.2条的规定不应损害区域运营公司将与终止本合同有关的任何有关的任何争议的权利。

 8.3 The provisions of this Contract that by their nature survive termination or expiry of this Contract (including indemnities, liabilities, audit, confidentiality, governing law and arbitration) shall remain in full force and effect for a period of three (3) Years after such termination or expiry. 本合同的条款,因其性质而在本合同终止或期满后仍然有效(包括赔偿、责任、审计、保密、管辖法律和仲裁),应在终止或期满后三年(3)年内继续有效。

 8.4 In the event of the Contract being declared by any competent Iraqi authority invalid or voided under the Law, ROC hereby indemnifies and holds Contractor harmless for any and all costs actually incurred by Contractor, including,

 demobilisation costs, Petroleum Costs, Supplementary Costs paid by Contractor but not recovered, Remuneration Fees accrued but not paid at the date this Contract is declared invalid or voided and penalties, fines, levies, if any, imposed on Contractor under the Law. 如果伊拉克任何主管当局宣布该合同无效或根据该法律废止,区域运营公司特此保障承包商实际发生的任何和所有费用,包括遣散费、油料费用、承包商支付但未收回的补充费用、本合同被宣布无效或作废之日应计但未付的报酬费用不受损失,以及免遭受根据该法律对承包商施加的罚款、罚款和征费。

 ARTICLE 9 – CONDUCT OF PETROLEUM OPERATIONS 第 9 条-实施石油作业 9.1 The Parties acknowledge that all measures and precautions shall be taken to safeguard against any possibility of interruption in the ongoing production from the Field as a result of activities under this Contract. For this purpose and for building up on the long experience of the existing operating manpower unit in the Field, and for securing the continuity of the necessary support by ROC, Contractor and ROC agree to the set up of the Field

 Operating Division or FOD. The FOD shall inherit the existing manpower unit, which shall be detached from ROC, to conduct Petroleum Operations. 各方确认,应采取一切措施和预防措施,防止可能发生因本合同下的活动而中断正在进行的生产。为此目的,建立在现有现场操作人力单位的长期经验基础上,并为了确保区域运营公司提供必要支持的连续性,承包商和区域运营公司同意设立油田运营部。油田运营部应接手现有的并应脱离区域运营公司的人力部,实施石油作业。

 (c) tendering, bidding and contract awarding procedures for engineering, drilling, construction and other service contracts, and procedures for purchasing materials and equipment, all on a competitive basis (unless otherwise agreed by the JMC), taking into account, where applicable, the provisions of this Contract, Best International Petroleum Industry Practices, and the Law; and 工程、钻井、建筑和其他服务合同的招标、投标和合同授予程序,以及采购材料和设备的程序,都是在竞争基础上进行的(除非联合管理委员会另有协议),在适用情况下考虑到本合同、最佳国际石油工业惯例和法律的规定;和

 10.4 If requested by ROC Contractor shall submit to the JMC, as part of any Plan, a proposal for economically and technically feasible schemes for the utilisation, and/or disposal of all the excess Associated Gas not used in Petroleum Operations. Contractor shall be under no obligation to implement such schemes unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in an approved Plan. 如果区域运营公司要求,承包商应作为任何计划的一部分向联合管理委员会提交一份关于使用和/或处置石油运营中未使用的所有过剩伴生气体体的经济和技术可行方案的建议。


 10.5 Quantities of Associated Gas made available to, but not received by ROC, may be flared. Upon prior consent of ROC, Operator may flare Associated Gas; provided, however, that the period and volume of Associated Gas flaring shall be kept to the absolute minimum. Associated Gas may also be flared in limited quantities for testing and maintenance purposes and in emergency cases. 向区域运营公司提供但未收到的伴生气体体的数量可能会燃烧。经区域运营公司事先同意,运营商可燃烧伴生气体体;但须将伴生气体体燃烧


 10.6 If agreed in an approved Plan Contractor shall finance and/or through the Operator build Transportation Facilities downst...
























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