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  接下来在《超自然实录》播出 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera," 一个厨房&herts;幽灵惊动了圣地亚哥的一家人…… a kitchen apparition spooks a san diego family... 那是什么鬼? 我想说的是 “啊!太恐怖了!” All I"m going to say about this is, "ah! Horrifying!" ……在加利福尼亚的天空中 看到了奇怪的光…… narrator: ...Strange lights seen high up in the california sky... 它们在闪烁 移♥动♥了一个多小时 They"re flickering, moving around for over an hour. 这太奇怪了 It was weird. ……在威尔士发现了神秘生物 Narrator: ...A mythic creature spotted in wales... 那是一只独角兽 That"s a unicorn right there. 它看起来就像你想象中的独角兽 It looks exactly like you would expect a unicorn to look. ……佛罗里达一个闹鬼的篮子 神秘莫测…… Narrator: ...A haunted basket mystifies in florida... 帕蒂:好的 我们开始吧 Patty: Okay, here we go. 我们正要打开这个篮子 We are about to open this basket. 当我打开它的时候 我的心跳加速 As I was opening that thing, my heart was racing 因为我不知道里面会有什么 because I didn"t know what was going to be inside of it. ……一个幽灵出现在英国的一所学校里 Narrator: ...A spirit makes its presence known in a british schoolhouse... 这里有孩子吗? 你能为我们显现吗? 女:那扇门 woman: That"s the door. 非常大声 就在我耳边 我很惊讶我没有跑 ……还有更多你必须亲眼看到才能相信的超自然画面 narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe.

 男:哦! Man: Oh! 超自然实录 第二季 第二集 装满鬼魂的篮子 A Basket Full of Ghosts 众所周知 古玩店卖♥♥很多东西 narrator: Antiques stores are known to carry many items 有很多年代久远或工艺精湛而具有特殊价值的艺术品 that are appreciated for their special value due to their age or handicraft. 但在德克萨斯发现的旧柳条篮子 But an older wicker basket found in texas, 据说那个东西闹鬼 which was said to be haunted, 似乎因为有凶险的事而受到关注 seemed to be getting attention for something more sinister. 篮子已经用蜡封好了 The basket, which had been sealed with wax, 已经两次被买♥♥又退回来 had been bought and returned twice, 每个主人都说他们拥有它的时候都经历了不幸 with each owner saying they experienced misfortune while in possession of it. 所以当超能力爱好者帕蒂•亚当斯和她的女儿 So when paranormal enthusiasts patty adams and her daughter, 希瑟 他们拿到手时 heather, got their hands on it, 他们对这些报道很感兴趣 they were intrigued by the reports 对里面的东西很好奇 and curious about what might be inside. 啊!哦 我的天

 帕蒂:哇 什么鬼 Ah! Oh, my -- patty: Whoa. What the -- 案例:邪恶的柳条 2018 年 8 月 一个朋友把篮子送给了帕蒂 in August 2018, the basket was given to patty by a friend 这是她朋友在在德州度假时 who had come across it in an antique shop 在一个古玩店里偶然发现的 while on vacation in texas. 店主告诉了他这个篮子令人不安的历史 The shop"s owner had told the friend about the basket"s disturbing history,

 当那个朋友给帕蒂带回来的时候 and when the friend brought it back for patty, 她转述了消息 she relayed the information. 这个篮子的第一个主人被送进了医院 The basket"s first owner ended up in the hospital, 它的第二位主人也是 and its second owner 他们的车开始出问题 started having scary problems with their car. 不确定是什么导致了这些问题 Unsure what could be causing all these issues, 帕蒂决定对她位于佛罗里达州春山的后门廊进行调查 patty decided to conduct an investigation on her back porch in spring hill, florida. 帕蒂:我们想和附在这个盒子上的人联♥系♥ Patty: We would like to communicate with whoever is attached to this box. 我叫帕蒂 My name is patty. 一开始我对篮子有点紧张 I was a little bit nervous with the basket at first 因为 你知道 她告诉了我 because, you know, the unknown and the stories 篮子的未知现象和故事 that she told me about it. 这个篮子的顶部都是熔化的蜡 There"s wax melted all over the top of this basket, 还有一个很奇怪的是 这个篮子 and what else is really strange is that this basket 有一个火柴盒 旧火柴盒 also has matchbooks, old matchbooks. 这是一个黑色的藤条篮子 It"s a black rattan-type basket, 古玩店的人说他们从来没有开过 and the people at the antique shop said that they had never opened it 有人告诉他们这是一个闹鬼的篮子 and that it was told to them it was a haunted basket. 斯库曼:这是一个看起来很奇怪的篮子 Sceurman: It was a strange-looking basket, 上面粘了这么多东西 had all these things stuck to it. 它被封在蜡里

 It was sealed in wax. 也许有人不想让它被打开 Maybe somebody didn"t want it opened. 帕蒂:你紧张吗 希瑟? Patty: You nervous, heather? 是的 有一点 Yeah, a little bit. 帕蒂和希瑟用具有保护功能的物品来武装自己 Narrator: Patty and heather arm themselves with items known to hold protective properties. 我这里有一个大的亚硒酸盐 I have a huge selenite right here. 我有一碗你无法想象的万能保护水晶 I have a bowl of every protective crystal you can imagine. 首先 他们用了一个灵盒 Narrator: First, they used a spirit box, 一种通过无线电频率与死者联♥系♥的装置 a device used to make contact with the dead through radio frequencies 试着和它交流 to try to communicate with it. 你介意我们打开这个盒子吗? Do you mind if we open this box? 我的意思是这个篮子 我很抱歉 I mean basket. I"m sorry. 征得允许是件好事 因为灵魂会尊重你 it"s good to ask permission because the spirits will respect 当你在某些事情上请求允许的时候 你会被喜欢 you more when you ask permission for certain things like that. 比如 “我可以打开这个吗?” You know, "is it okay if I go ahead and open this?" 我就是这么做的 我只是觉得 it"s just something I do, and I just feel like 这是正确的做法 it"s the right thing to do. 好吧 我们要打开这个篮子 Okay. Well, we"re going to open this basket. 我希望你不介意 I hope you don"t mind. 事实上 他们询问并表现出尊重 总是一件好事 The fact that they were asking and showing some respect is always a good thing, 这支队伍对如何以正确的方式

 and this team is clearly experienced 进行调查 显然经验丰富 in how to run an investigation the proper way. 现在有多少灵魂和我们在一起? How many spirits are with us right now? 三个?

 3 三个吗? Three? -Three? 这个盒子是从哪里来的? Where did this box come from? 你能告诉我们吗? Can you tell us? 她问问题的时候在那台改装过的收音机上 获得了一些很响的回音 she was getting some really great hits on that modified radio when she was asking questions. 好吧 你准备好打开这个篮子了吗? All right. So are you about ready to open this basket? 你怎么看? What do you think? 你可以打开它 You can open it. 哇 那棵树又移♥动♥到你身后了 Whoa. That tree just moved behind you again. 是的 哦 什么? Yeah. Oh. What? 它是一只青蛙 因为它从叶子上跳到了... It"s a frog because he bounced from the leaf to the -- 看到他了吗? see him? 但我确实看到了 天啊 But I did see -- oh, my -- 哇 什么 见鬼 不要 whoa. What the -- oh, hell no. 那不是该死的青蛙 One hundred. That wasn"t no damn frog. 海斯:整棵树似乎都出乎意料地倒在她的头顶上 Hayes: The entire tree seemed to have fallen right on top of her unexpectedly. 对我来说 这么大的树 一只青蛙很难把树撞倒 To me, a tree that size would be difficult for a single frog to knock the tree over. 天啊 吓死我们了 Oh, gosh, that scared us to death.

 我女儿跳起来跑了 My daughter jumped up and ran. 帕蒂:那不是——她希望的 (哔哔)这个 Patty: That was not -- she was like, "[bleep] this." 她刚进了房♥子 she just went in the house. 这可不是青蛙干的 That is no frog that just did that. 那棵树上有一只青蛙 There was a frog on that tree. 她刚看见一只青蛙 可我没想到 She had just seen a frog, but I just don"t see 一只小青蛙怎么能让那棵树-- how a little frog would make that tree -- 树很重的 it"s pretty heavy. 哦 天啊 什么—— Oh, my -- whoa. What the -- 它的底部很重 the base of it is really heavy, 所以我不明白那棵树怎么会倒成那样 so I don"t see how that tree would have fell like that. 没关系 我们在这里受到保护 It"s okay. We"re protected out here. 这绝对是将要发生某事的信♥号♥♥ It"s definitely a sign that something is about to happen. 你知道 如果不是飓风来袭 You know, if it wasn"t a hurricane coming in, 那肯定是某种恶作剧活动开始了 then it was definitely some kind of poltergeist activity starting to happen. 几分钟后 Narrator: A few minutes later, 希瑟鼓起勇气回到篮子那里 heather had the courage to return to the basket. 他们恢复了镇静 继续进行调查 They regained their composure and pressed on with the investigation. 好吧 我们开始吧 Okay. Here we go. 我们正要打开这个篮子 We are about to open this basket. 她拿着刀

 She"s got the knife. 我的想法是 “哦 这封起来是有原因的” My thought was, "ooh, this is sealed for a reason. 你为什么要打开它? Why are you opening it? “这有潜在的危险 这可能会产生一些后果” This is potentially dangerous. This may have consequences." 我刚打破了封条 I just broke the seal on the wax. 我很惊讶他们有勇气继续和 I"m surprised they had the courage to continue going and talking with 不管他们觉得是什么的人交谈 whatever they felt like they were interacting with, 这显然和这个柳条篮子有关 something that obviously has a connection to this wicker basket. -哦 -哦 -Oh. -Oh. 哦,好的 Oh, okay. 哦,我的天啊 Oh, my goodness. 哦,我的上帝 Oh, my god. 当我打开它的时候 我的心跳加速 As I was opening that thing, my heart was racing 因为我不知道里面会有什么 because I didn"t know what was going to be inside of it. 我在想 “哦 天哪 如果它是身体的一部分呢?” I"m thinking, "oh, my gosh. What if it"s a body part?" 你知道 它可以是任何东西 you know, it could be anything. 奇怪的活动开始了 Narrator: The strange activity began 篮子一打开 as soon as the basket was opened. 仔细看这个毛绒玩具 Keep an eye on the stuffed toy 当帕蒂打开盖子时 它就会移♥动♥ as it moves exactly when patty lifts the lid. 帕蒂和希瑟直到后来查看录像带时才注意到这一点 patty and heather didn"t notice this until later when viewing the tape.

 好吧 我把这个打开了 All right. So I"ve got this open. 让我们看看篮子里有什么 Let"s see what"s in this basket. 好吧 okay. 帕蒂:我很惊讶 不过我也很感兴趣 Patty: I was surprised, but I was also very interested 这时要查看每个物品 并尝试检查每个物品 at that point to see each item and trying to examine each item 试着弄明白 这一切意味着什么 and try to figure out, you know, what this all means. 这是什么? 哦 What"s this? Ooh. 哦 令人毛骨悚然 Ooh, that"s creepy-looking. 是的 令人毛骨悚然 Yeah, that"s creepy-looking. 桑德罗:所有那些东西 也许它们就是 Sandalo: All those objects, maybe they were things 在某...

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