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  接下来在《超自然实录》播出 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera" 一个男人和一个吵闹鬼之间发生了激烈的争执 push comes to shove between a man and a poltergeist. 不管这家伙的家里发生了什么事 Whatever activity is taking place in this guy"s house, 似乎有某种智慧体在控制着 seems to have some sort of intelligent control. (消音) [ bleep ] 它可能是想和这个人交流 或者至少是想吓吓他 it may be trying to communicate or at the very least trying to scare this guy. 一个鬼魂触发了闭路电视摄像头 然后消失得无影无踪 Narrator: An entity triggers a cctv cam then vanishes into thin air. 看 他消失了 Man: Look, he just disappeared. 我走到外面 想看看他是不是走到路上 I walked outside to see if he was down the road. 他不见了 He was nowhere. 一个模糊的身影出现在楼梯上 Narrator: A shadowy figure forms on the staircase. 我以前见过这样的影子 I"ve seen shadow forms like this before. 他们是出了名的难以追踪 They"re notoriously hard to pin down. 事实是 这些东西另有玄机 The fact that these got anything is something else. 在北卡罗莱纳的树林里 幽灵出现了 Narrator: And apparition appears during a walk through the woods in north carolina. 我以前在大白天的户外见过这种情况 I"ve seen things manifest like this before in broad daylight, outdoors. 不管你是白天还是黑夜去调查 Doesn"t matter whether you investigate night or day. 如果有什么特殊现象 它就会发生 If there"s gonna be phenomena, it will happen. 还有更多你必须亲眼看到才能相信的超自然镜头 Narrator: And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第三集

 固执己见的鬼 Pushy Poltergeists 从一个家搬到另一个家 moving from one home to another 被认为是生活中最大的压力源之一 is known to be one of the top stressors in life. 通常这种压力在箱子打开后 很快就会消失 usually that stress dissipates soon after the boxes are unpacked 人们会逐渐适应新的环境 and people get adjusted to their new surroundings. 但对于德克萨斯州的一个人来说 But for one man in texas, 他在新房♥子里安顿下来 心里十分不安 settling into his new house was extremely unsettling. (消音) [ bleep ] 案例:房♥子给出的馈赠警告 在科里•戴维森和他的家人 搬进他们在休斯顿的家后不久 narrator: Not long after corey davison and his family moved into their home in houston, 科里注意到一盏灯具在摇摆 corey noticed a light fixture swaying, 好像有人推过它似的 as if someone had pushed it. 于是 他迅速拿起相机 希望记录下这一令人费解的活动 So he quickly grabbed a camera in hopes of documenting the inexplicable activity. 我在餐厅里 I was in my dining room, 头顶上的灯在动 and the overhead lamp was moving. 我去拿相机 And I went to get my camera 这样我就能录下我吃东西的过程 看看还会不会再发生这种事 so I could videotape me eating to see if would happen again, and as soon, like, 我一按下录制键 一切就发生了 literally as soon as I hit record this happened. 我叫科里•戴维森 这是我的视频 my name"s corey davison. This is my video. 我非常怀疑 比如 I"m a huge skeptic when it comes to, like, 鬼魂或超自然的东西 ghosts or paranormal stuff.

 所以我说 “我得录下来” So I was like, "I have to record this, like, “试着把它拍下来” try to get it on camera." 我必须让其他人见证这一切 I had to have other people witness this. 当我架起相机时 椅子瞬间就像长了脚一样移♥动♥ When I set up the camera the chair almost instantaneously moved maybe like a foot. 事发时我没看椅子 I wasn"t looking at the chair when it happened. 我在架设摄像机 I was setting up the camera. 我听到椅子在动 Like, I heard the chair move. 我已经有了那种想法 I was already in that state of mind, 好像发生了什么奇怪的事 like, something weird is happening. 有人在捉弄我吗? 这是怎么回事 Like, is someone pranking me? What"s going on? 所以我就重复了一遍 And so I went over it, 我想我是随随便便就推了一下 I guess nonchalantly and just kind of pushed it. 然后突然… and then all of a sudden... (消音) [ bleep ] …椅子回到我身边 ...Chair comes back at me. 不管这家伙家里发生了什么事 Whatever activity is taking place in this guy"s house, 似乎有某种智能体在控制着 it seems to have some sort of intelligent control. 椅子向他移♥动♥ 而不是远离他 The chair moves at him, rather than away from him. 在这个封闭的环境中 它不止一次这样做 And it does more than once in this enclosed environment. 它似乎在交流 It seems like it may be trying to communicate, 或者至少是想吓吓他

 or at the very least, trying to scare this guy. 斯劳特:他似乎没有做好准备 Slaughter: It seemed like he was ill prepared for that to happen. 他走过去说 So he walks up and he"s like, “这把椅子怎么了?” "what"s going on with this chair?" 他想看看周围是否有能量 he"s trying to see if there"s, like, energy around. 他把胳膊伸到大气层里绕着它看能不能激起点什么 He"s, like, putting his arm in the atmosphere around it to see if it will stir up anything. 他可能在不知不觉中威胁到了房♥间里的恶作剧鬼或鬼魂 He might"ve unknowingly threatened the poltergeist or spirit 模仿他把椅子往后推的样子 in that room by pushing that chair back like he did. 似乎那个幽灵直接对推力做出了反应 And it did seem as if that spirit was reacting directly to that push. (消音) [ bleep ] 莫兰:这是闹鬼 101 他们移♥动♥了椅子 moran: This is poltergeist 101. They move chairs. 他们打开门 有时会扔东西 They open doors and sometimes they"ll throw something, 扔厨房♥用具之类的东西 you know, a kitchen utensils or something, 但他们不会扔得太远 but they won"t throw it very far. 这些东西都在他们的厨房♥里 This is all stuff that"s within their wheelhouse, 这是一个很好的抓拍 and this is a great capture of it. 我不知道该怎么解释为什么会这样 I have no idea how to explain what would have caused that. 所以我马上想 So immediately I was like, “我得赶紧离开这里 ” "I need to get the heck out of here." (消音) [ bleep ] 卡诺:看了这个视频你可能会想 cano: Watching this video you might think,

 “好吧 他的反应很滑稽 ” "okay, his reaction is comical." 但如果你在那种情况 but if you were in that situation, 你会吓坏的 you"re gonna be freaked out. 即使你不害怕 你也会担心的 Even if you"re not terrified, you"re going to be concerned. 你会想 好吧 有东西在这里 You"re gonna think, "all right. Something"s here. “我该怎么办?”让我离开这里 然后重整下思绪” "what do I do about it? Let me remove myself from this spot and then regroup." 这是典型的“战或逃的反应” it"s the classic fight-or-flight response. 我打不过它 所以我 I had nothing to fight so I was, like, 我有点发抖 我想我是害怕了 I was kind of shaking, like, I guess I was scared. 我得离开那里 I needed to get out of there. 我跑上楼 我在后面的房♥间 I ran upstairs. I"m in the back room. 我现在有点害怕 I"m kind of creeped out right now. 现在回想起来 我当时 Thinking back now, I was, like, 我也许应该离开那里 I probably should have went outside and get away from there. 但我觉得楼上足够安全 我也不知道怎么办 But I felt like upstairs was safe enough and I could just -- I don"t know. 科里在餐厅遭遇了奇怪事情之后 Narrator: After corey"s encounter in the dining room, 事情平息了一会儿 things quieted down for a while. 但在再次搬家不到一年之后 But less than a year later after moving yet again, 当他妈妈在车♥库♥里洗衣服时 另一件可怕的事情发生了 another eerie event happened when his mom was doing laundry in the garage. 戴维森:我在客厅里闲逛 Davison: I was in the living room just hanging out, 我妈妈以为有人在外面

 and my mom thought someone was outside. 所以她找到了我 So she got me. 我们都拿着手♥枪♥走了出去 什么也没看见 We both got our pistols and went outside and didn"t see anything. 我什么也没听见 I didn"t hear anything. 没有什么让我觉得 好吧 随便它吧 Nothing that stood out to me as being, like, okay, whatever. 当科里回来的时候 Narrator: When corey came back inside, 他检查是否启动了监控摄像头 he checked to see if the motion activated security cameras 发现他可能漏掉了什么东西 picked up something he may have missed. 果然 他们找到了 And sure enough, they had. 戴维森:所以我花了很长时间才找到可能产生噪音的原因 Davison: So it took me forever to find what might have made the noise. 但我看了所有的录像 But I looked through all the video"s recordings, 我遇到过这种情况 and I come across that. 有一些移♥动♥ There"s something moving, 那是在 22:04 and that was at 22:04. 她每次看到这个东西 都是在 22 点 06 分来到车♥库♥后 And whenever she saw the thing, she came in the garage at 22:06. 他们有录像来证实他们的说法 The fact that they have footage to corroborate their claim 这无疑为这个特殊的案件增添了一些可信度 certainly lends some credibility to this particular case. 当动作激活摄像头启动时 她听到了奇怪的声音 And the fact that she heard something strange right when the motion-activated cameras kicked in, 这肯定告诉我 院子里可能有难以解释的东西 that certainly tells me there may be something out in that yard that"s hard to explain. 戴维森:如果你看那里 就在那里 Davison: If you look right there, right there. 我去了那里 看着那些地方

 I went out there, was looking at the places 根据摄像头显示 that it should have been according to the camera, 我什么也没看到 什么也没听到 and I didn"t see anything, didn"t hear anything. 看 我就在这里 See, I"m right here. 这是我的脑袋 That"s the top of my head, 有东西在后面走 and there"s something walking back there. 我就是解释不了 I just can"t explain it. 你在摄像机上看到什么 You see something on the camera, 但我们在外面的时候什么都没看到 but we didn"t see anything when we were out there. 你可以看到我在闪灯 You can see me flash my light. 我四处闪着亮光 I had been flashing my light everywhere, 你看 什么都没有 and see, there"s nothing. 我在那里的时候什么都没看到 I didn"t see anything while I was there. 我只是 这让我有点难以置信 And I just -- it kind of boggles my mind. 这个幽灵似乎在周围走动 This apparition seems to be walking around the perimeter, 甚至在有红外照明的地方走动 and even in areas where there"s ir illumination, 它不会发光 你看到它在科里的房♥子里走来走去 it doesn"t light up, like, you see corey when he"s walking around his house. 你可以看到 一个有实体存在的人走在红外摄像机前是不同的 You see the difference of a solid person walking in front of an ir camera, 而在家里四处走动的其他鬼魂 是不同的 as opposed to this other entity that seems to be going around the home. 这两件事是否有关联 还有待观察 Narrator: Whether or not these two incidences are related remains to be seen. 但他妈...

推荐访问:Paranormal Caught on Camera《超自然实录(2020)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 超自然 实录 第三集























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