接下来在《超自然实录》播出… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 是否有一个灵魂与我们同在? Is there one spirit with us? ……死去女巫的灵魂来袭…… Narrator: ...The spirit of a dead witch attacks... 啊! Ah! 我首先想到的是恶魔的袭击 My first thought was a demon attack. 我们得走了 We have got to go. ……一个充满暴♥力♥的恶作剧鬼 出没在电子烟商店… Narrator: ...A vape shop haunted by a violent poltergeist... 我脑子里的第一个想法是 我要锁上商店 离开这里 First thought in my head is, "I"m locking the shop and getting out of here." ……这是有史以来最大的不明飞行物之一吗? narrator: ...Is this one of the biggest ufos ever recorded... 哦 Oh. 我从没见过这样的东西 I"ve never seen anything like that before. ……一个传奇的传说…… Narrator: ...A legendary cryptid... 男孩:栋德? Boy: Donde? ……恐吓一群孩子… Narrator: ...Terrorizes a group of children... 男孩:(尖叫) Boy: [screaming] 他正朝他们走来 he"s coming straight towards them. 他说:“好吧,我有个任务,目标就是你们” He"s like, "okay. I"ve got a mission, and it"s you guys." ……还有更多你必须亲眼看到才会相信的超自然画面 narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe. 啊! Aah! 超自然实录 第二季 第六集
Insanely Haunted Hospital in Michigan 密歇根州的闹鬼医院 埃洛伊塞精神病院 narrator: The eloise psychiatric hospital, 位于底特律郊外 located just outside detroit, 它是一个臭名昭著的机构 有长♥期♥虐待和忽视病人的可怕历史 is a notorious institution with a long horrifying history of patient abuse and neglect. 据传 那些不幸被收治的人会穿上紧身衣 戴上脚镣 It is rumored that those unlucky enough to be admitted were subjected to straitjackets, 甚至接受脑叶切除术 shackles, and even lobotomies. 幸运的是 精神病院在 1977 年停止接收病人 Fortunately, the mental asylum stopped receiving patients in 1977. 不幸的是 埃洛伊塞医院和医务室的 7000 多名前病患被埋在这里 Unfortunately, more than 7,000 former residents of the eloise hospital and infirmary are buried on the grounds, 毫不奇怪 它是密歇根最闹鬼和最可怕的地方之一 making it no surprise that it"s earned a reputation for being one of the most haunted and feared places in michigan. 这些空无一人的建筑 吸引了全国各地的超自然现象调查人员 The now empty buildings attract paranormal investigators from around the country, 其中有一群人在精神病院的经历非常可怕 including one group whose experience at the asylum was truly terrifying. 女:(说话不清楚) Woman: [ speaks indistinctly ] 案例:极度恐惧 邦纳:是埃洛伊塞精神病院 bonner: It"s the eloise psychiatric hospital. 我们要在这里进行调查 We"ll be conducting an investigation here. 2018 年 8 月 Narrator: In August 2018, 底特律超自然现象探察队 the detroit paranormal expeditions team 在埃洛伊塞精神病院的一栋建筑里进行了通宵调查 conducted an overnight investigation in one of the buildings at the eloise psychiatric hospital. 他们在三楼装了摄像头 They set up cameras on the third floor, 一些人认为那里是最闹鬼的地方
which some believe to be the most haunted area. 凌晨 1 点左右 队员们离开了大楼 Around 1:40 a.M. The team members left the building, 除了一个人 all except for one. 几分钟后 托德•邦纳突然有了某种感觉 A few minutes later, todd bonner suddenly got the feeling 当他听到一些脚步声时 他知道自己并不孤单 he was not truly alone when he heard these footsteps. 邦纳:有人吗? Bonner: Hello? 有人吗? Hello? 大家好 我是托德•邦纳 Hi, my name is todd bonner, 我是底特律超自然探险队的 and I"m with detroit paranormal expeditions. 我听到身后有脚步声 便转过身来 I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around. 我用手电照了照 我能感觉到 I shined my flashlight, and I could just feel, 就像 有股能量向我袭来 like, this energy coming towards me. 我要离开了 因为我身后有东西 我不太确定那是什么 我觉得我该走了 所以我就跑出去了 I felt I should leave so I kind of ran out of there. 托德离开了大楼 加入了其他人的队伍 Todd exited the building and joined the others, 其他人在外面监视着行动 who were monitoring the action from outside. 里面的摄像机还在继续拍摄 The cameras inside continued to roll, 突然有了更多动静 when suddenly more activity. 首先 一个球体飞过其中一个摄像头 然后记录下了整个大楼的响亮声音 first, an orb flies by one of the cameras followed by loud sounds recorded throughout the building. 【砰】
[ thud ]
(叮当声) [ clang ] 你可以听到病人淋浴时浴帘的声音 you can hear the shower curtains going in the patient showers. 你能听到橱柜开合的声音 You can hear cabinets opening and closing. 你能听到关门的声音 You can hear doors closing, 那栋楼里没人 and there is nobody in that building, 很好 我想说 五分钟后 and it"s a good, I would say, five minutes on that 你就能听到那些事发生了 that you can hear that stuff happening. 【砰】
[ thud ] 当你想让任何超自然现象的说法合法化时 when you"re looking to legitimize any claim of paranormal activity, 你要寻找重叠的元素 you"re looking for overlapping elements. 在这个例子中 有东西飞过屏幕 In this case, something is flying by the screen. 有声音 There are sounds. 有些事显然不是他们干的 There are things that clearly weren"t them 所以这可以证明某些事情已经发生或即将发生 so this could be proof that something happened or was about to happen. 托德和他的几个团队成员决定重新进入大楼调查 Narrator: Todd and a few of his team members decide to re-enter the building to investigate. 他们搜查了整个房♥子 但一无所获 They search the entire premises, but nothing. 那里一个人也没有 所以我们又待了半个小时 然后就到此为止了 There was no one there so we kind of stayed maybe another half hour, and then we called it a night. 但是这并不是他们调查的结束 Narrator: But that was not the end of their investigation. 几个月后 在他们第一次探险的鼓舞下…… A few months later, encouraged by their first visit... 美好的一天 每个人 Good day, everyone.
我们在埃洛伊塞 We are in eloise. ……小组回到了埃洛伊塞医院 在医院里进行了一次巡视 Narrator: ...The team returns to the eloise to conduct a walk-through of the hospital. 夜幕降临时 三名队员正沿着走廊走着 as nightfall approaches, three team members are walking down a hallway 突然听到身后好像有脚步声 when they suddenly hear what sounds like footsteps behind them. 然后…… And then... 什么鬼? 整个团队都难以置信 The team is in disbelief. 米勒:该走了 Miller: Time to go. 似乎是一张黑胶唱片从档案柜的顶部扔向他们 Narrator: It appears a vinyl record was somehow flung at them from the top of a filing cabinet, 在他们脚下碎成了碎片 shattering into pieces at their feet. 米勒:什么(哔哔声)? Miller: What the [bleep]? 大家好 我是白兰地·米勒 Hi, my name is brandy miller, 视频是我拍的 and I"m the one that took the video. 当我们听到脚步声的时候 总觉得有人在我们后面走 We kept feeling like somebody was walking behind us when we heard these footsteps. 我们停了一会儿 We stopped for a minute. 我们互相交谈着 We were talking amongst ourselves, 想知道那是什么 wondering what that was. 就在那时 唱片被抛出了 Narrator: It was then that the record was thrown. 米勒:什么(哔哔声)? Miller: What the [bleep]? 在我看来 我研究灵媒这么多年 My opinion, with all the years that I"ve done my work with psychic mediumship, 如果一个东西有那么大的能量去破坏它
if something has that much energy to break something, 我不想再呆在这儿看接下来的事情了 I don"t want to stick around and see what can happen next. (消音)? What the [bleep]? 现在就走吧 我们走吧 但是这个灵魂是想伤害他们 还是只是想引起他们的注意呢? Narrator: But was this spirit trying to hurt them or simply get their attention? 很多时候 人们会把扔东西误解为一种暴♥力♥反应 A lot of times people misinterpret things being thrown as, like, a violent reaction, 但在现实中 一个没有物理身体的物体 but in reality, it just takes so much energy for something 与我们的物理世界互动需要太多的能量 that doesn"t have a physical body to interact with our physical world, 所以它会表现的比他们想要的更强大 so it might come off stronger than they want. 灵魂只希望他们的故事被诉说 Spirits just want their stories told, 有时他们想引起你的注意 and sometimes they want to get your attention, 很小很微妙的方法不可能做到这一点 有时它需要…… and if the smaller more subtle methods aren"t doing that sometimes it takes... 米勒:什么(哔哔声)? Miller: What the [bleep]? 卡诺:…投掷物体 打碎物体 Cano: ...Throwing of an object, the breaking of an object. “嘿,我在这里 听我说” "hey, I"m here. Listen to me." 有时这种方法有效 有时它会让人们尖叫着冲出大楼 sometimes that works, and sometimes it sends people screaming out of the building. 米勒:什么(哔哔声)? Miller: What the [bleep]? 好吧 现在就走吧 我们走吧 我做了七年超自然现象调查 In seven years of me doing paranormal investigations, 这是迄今为止我经历过的最激烈的一次 this one by far is the most intense I"ve ever experienced. 伙计 我还以为你有钢铁般的意志呢
Man: Dude, I thought you had nerves of steel, man. 前精神病院的超自然现象 吓坏了这些调查员 Narrator: While the paranormal activity at the former mental asylum terrified these investigators, 这并没有阻止小队成员们回去寻找更多的线索…… it didn"t keep the crew from going back for more... 这就像圣诞节一样 This is like christmas. ……恰恰相反 Narrator: ...Quite the opposite. 邦纳:我从事超自然现象的研究已经 8 年多了 Bonner: I"ve been doing paranormal investigating for over eight years now, 这是我们去过的最闹鬼的地方之一 and it"s one of the most haunted places we"ve ever been to. 我认为 因为我们进入那里 试图与那里的灵魂交流 I think because we go in there and try to communicate with spirits that are there, 也许他们在和我们玩? maybe they were playing with us? 有人吗? Hello? 米勒:什么(哔哔声)? Miller: What the [bleep]? 准备出发 我们走 Time to go. We"re going. 接下来 这是所有不明飞行物的母舰吗? Narrator: Coming up, could this be the mothership of all ufos? 它们有 6 个 有 7 个 看到天空中奇怪的光 narrator: Seeing a strange light in the sky, 一个疑似的不明飞行物 无疑是一个令人兴奋的也是恐惧的经历 one that could in fact be a ufo, is doubtless a thrilling and potentially frightening experience. 看到有不止一个 会让它更有吸引力 Seeing more than one makes it even more so, 当你把数量增加到十几个 and when you increase the number to over a dozen, 这真是太令人兴奋了 well, it"s positively mind-blowing. 现在 想象一下 你看到的大量的光 实际上并不是一艘单独的飞船 Now, imagine for a moment that the multitude of lights you"re seeing aren"t actually individual ships at all
而是一艘巨型母舰的轮廓边缘 but rather the ...