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【#圣诞节# 导语】圣诞树点燃了,无数的星辰亮起,天空上写下你的名字,当流星划过时,也把我的思念与祝福一同捎去。圣诞节快乐!下面是®大海范文网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  When I was a child, I thought Santa"s hands were magical and omnipotent. He could earn a lot of money to buy gifts, open the door lock and sneak in quietly. It must be a pair of old but powerful sacred hands. Until one day, I saw the true face of these hands.

  It was Christmas Eve. I went to bed early and waited for my dear Santa Claus to give me gifts. Thinking of sweet chocolate and crispy macarone, I, the "difficult sleeper", fell asleep.

  In the middle of the night, I was awakened by a noise in the living room. I opened my eyes vaguely and closed them immediately. Suddenly, I a spirit: ah! There"s a ghost! Oh, it"s not a ghost. It should be Santa Claus. At the thought of this, my little heart pounded. I calmed down and hurried out of bed. I didn"t bother to wear my shoes and crept to the living room. Wow, I saw a pair of slender hands holding a box of my favorite chocolates! Then I saw a fluffy head of hair. Oh, so Santa Claus is a woman. I looked at her through the light outside the window. Her hands were very white, but she was very flustered at this time. Then I looked up and was stunned. Eh? What"s mom?

  I was suddenly very angry. "Pa" turned on the light and said, "Mom, why did you come out in the middle of the night?"

  Mother immediately put down the chocolate, sighed helplessly and said to me, "in fact, Santa Claus is me and I bought the gift."

  I was surprised, but then I was moved. My mother bought me a lot of gifts every year for the sake of protecting my longing for Santa Claus and my innocent childlike innocence!

  In the past, my mother"s hands were soft and slender in my heart, but through this experience of Santa Claus, I think her hands are the legendary umbrella. With the care of these hands, I can be so happy. At the same time, I also understand that there will be no welfare in the world. It is all created by people with heart with their own hands.


  Today, as soon as school was over, I went home with my classmates. Because today is a beautiful Christmas Eve. As soon as I got home, my father told me to have dinner in the international building today. I jumped three feet with joy. As soon as my mother came home, my father and I took my mother out to dinner. Along the way, I saw smiling faces on the faces of pedestrians tonight, giving people a peaceful and warm feeling. When you get to the gate of the international building, you feel a warm current. The cold wind outside the glass door is biting. Push the door into the warm spring. Santa Claus in the building kept waving to us. The green branches of the Christmas tree are covered with thousands of colorful lights. Blinked his shining eyes.

  As soon as I entered the building, I went straight to the second floor. There was a Christmas song in the western restaurant. The song was melodious and made me feel comfortable. There is a picture of an amiable Santa Claus on the wall. I sat on a table with my father, mother, uncle and aunt. Everyone seemed to be a big family. Before long, those delicious dishes came. At the sight of the delicious duck meat, I couldn"t control myself any more and wolfed it down. After I finished eating these delicious food, I and many children ran around the international building, up and down, watching the kind Santa Claus and the colorful Christmas trees.

  Christmas is a good holiday to receive gifts. When I was a child, I always dreamed that one day Santa Claus could come to my house and give me beautiful Christmas gifts. When I grow up, I know that when I was a child, those gifts were given by my parents. Today"s Christmas, I pestered my parents to give me gifts. Mom told me with a smile. My mother smiled and told me, "when you wake up tomorrow morning, Santa"s gift will be sent back." although I know that the gift is from my parents, at night, I still took a pair of socks and put them on the head of the bed. When I woke up in the morning, I found a 35 yuan book card stuffed in my socks. I was so happy that I jumped on the bed and shouted, "long live Santa Claus!" I took the book card to school to show off to my classmates.

  I love Christmas!


  A friend told me that Christmas was coming.

  Really, I"m a little surprised. It seems that I don"t remember the date for a long time. I only know that after today, tomorrow will arrive. Christmas sounds like a world dressed up with snow. It"s really a word that has been far away from me. I just remember that on Christmas Eve of one year, my friends and I went crazy friendly. That should be the most worry free day! The mood at that time has been forgotten, and the faces of those people have been blurred. Later, they just sent greeting cards to each other. Now, they don"t even bother to send greeting cards.

  The more people grow up, the more boring they will really be. I feel it from the bottom of my heart.

  The street has been filled with the smell of Christmas. The picture of Santa Claus is hanging everywhere. Unfortunately, there is no snow. I remember that in those fairy tales, the most fascinating scene is snow. Think about it. In such a small town, Santa won"t come either. Because won"t he be very busy? I really want to know how he feels when he drives a sleigh and sings when I"m busy. Well, it should be very interesting.

  The more lonely people are, the more they like fantasy. They always hope to fill it.

  A good friend said that this will be the last Christmas she spent with us. Just the words written with a pen make me sad. I hate the plot in the novel taking place in reality. I hate those separations, but why do they happen again and again? Santa Claus, if you can, can you realize my wish and make each other"s path clearer, but isn"t the reality a big circle of separation and meeting?

  How many angels do people meet when they travel around the world?

  December 25, Christmas. I"m afraid I"ll forget, and I hope I forget. This contradiction makes me at a loss. Today is the winter solstice, with the shortest day and the longest night. I triggered the association of this Christmas in the light of the night. Really, if I forget. So, I wish everyone a happy Christmas first!


  Eh, who am I? I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself carefully. I saw that I was wearing a high and pointed red hat with a golden five pointed star on the top. The eyes became dark blue and looked bright. His beard was white and covered most of his face. Wearing a red cotton padded jacket and trousers, with a brown belt around the waist. There was a big bag on my back. The bag was full of all kinds of Christmas gifts. I turned out to be Santa Claus.

  At this time, an old man appeared beside me and said to me, "today you are Santa Claus. Go and give gifts to those you think need help!" after listening to the old man, I thought: I have become Santa Claus! Great.

  I took a carriage to a dilapidated orphanage. At this time, the orphanage was quiet. The children were sleeping soundly. Some seemed to be dreaming. It was estimated that I had given them gifts. I opened the bag and took out a gift. There were big red apples, delicious chocolate and sweet lollipops. I put the gift into the Christmas stockings, touched my beard with satisfaction and left with satisfaction.

  Leaving the orphanage, I came to the street. At this time, the street was empty, and there were some poor puppies curled up in the corner. Although they snuggled together, they were still shivering with cold. When they heard the sound, they looked at me with big watery eyes. I took out straw from the big bag, built a nest for them, and took out several bones and put them on the ground. The puppies gathered around and shook their tails and ate. I left quietly, thinking that they would not be hungry again this Christmas.

  I came to a family on the street. The children slept soundly. There were big Christmas stockings by the bed. I took out their favorite gifts from the bag, put them in the stockings and set off for the next family.

  "Who"s calling me? Who"s calling me.". Oh, my mother told me to get up and go to school. It turned out that I just had a dream that I became Santa Claus.


  On Saturday morning, we held a Christmas party at the happy hometown art bar. The happy hometown that day was full of festive atmosphere. The beautiful Christmas tree in front of the door was covered with colorful ribbons, the head of Santa Claus was pasted on the window, and the curved moon boat was hung on the top of the stone gate

  We came to the hall, where the Christmas tree was hung with glittering bells. The party began. The teacher announced that the first program was the Taekwondo "chapter of Tai Chi" by Liu Zhenjie and Wang enzhe. They fought around without rules. Everyone laughed and they were very happy. Next, Peng Yuqi performed a powerful dance. The action was very difficult, but she performed very easily. Then Qin Yulu told a story about the tiger demon. The story was very beautiful, and the teacher was worried. Finally, the teacher asked our two sisters to perform the Dances "come on" and "Cha Cha group". We danced with the same heart and full tacit understanding. The teacher praised us and gave each of us a pen decorated with a snowman.

  Then we came to the room of K song and sang a beautiful song. My favorite is quiet summer. When singing, someone brought us candy and snacks. Ah! They were robbed as soon as they were put down!    After singing the song, let"s make a bran cup. We sat in front of the production table. The dessert teacher gave us biscuit crumbs in a small green bowl, beautiful spoons, beaten cream in a flower mounting bag, and transparent chaff cups with covers. The dessert teacher taught us to spread a layer of biscuit crumbs in the cup and flatten the biscuit crumbs with a small spoon. This can"t be too thick. Then squeeze a layer of cream on the flat biscuit crumbs, and then spread a layer of biscuit crumbs and a layer of cream. Finally, the dessert teacher brought yellow and red jam. I squeezed a beautiful flower to decorate my bran cup.

  This Christmas is the happiest and happiest Christmas I have ever had. I hope I can live like this every Christmas.


  Around Christmas every year, Chinese people in the vast land of China seem to be very excited. They paste Santa Claus, dress up Christmas trees, send Christmas cards and spray snow... People say that this is the performance of young people"s pursuit of fashion, but we might as well think about it carefully. Is that all? Who"s Christmas? This question is thought-provoking.

  In the process of China"s development, due to the closed door policy of feudal rulers, such a great country gradually could not keep up with the pace of world progress, so that China could not keep pace with the world. Gradually, the Western powers saw the fat meat of China, forcibly entered China and occupied the north and south of China. People gradually woke up, learned a lesson and said: we should learn from advanced countries. Learn from their advanced culture and advanced scientific and technological level. So, what exactly does "culture" mean? Many people don"t know. Therefore, foreign countries launched cultural aggression against the ignorant Chinese people and forced us to accept their beliefs together. However, how many people really understand the origin of Christmas? Christmas is the day when most Christians around the world commemorate the birth of Jesus, but many Christmas celebrations have nothing to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards make Christmas a day of universal celebration.

  What is the biggest festival for the Chinese people? You will not hesitate to answer: Spring Festival! Everyone thinks so. However, looking ahead, how many people are reveling for the arrival of the Spring Festival?? Not many, even very few, but what about people crazy about Christmas?? beyond count. Seeing this tragedy, let"s think: whose holiday is Christmas? Is it celebrated in other countries during our Spring Festival? Why do we celebrate the festival? This is because we don"t know enough about the splendid culture of the motherland. If we deeply understand the motherland, we will be proud of the motherland, we will stand up, carry forward our own traditional culture, and say to the world, "I am the descendant of the dragon, I love China. I want to celebrate our own traditional festivals!"


  December 25 is Christmas. My mother told me that Christmas is not a traditional Chinese festival. It is the biggest festival in a year in western countries, which is equivalent to China"s Spring Festival.

  But China should also do as the Romans do. It is often said that Santa Claus will come to give gifts to children at 12 p.m. on Christmas day. But those Santa Claus will climb down from the chimney, but I think there will be a chimney where the children who want to be free live in the building. Is it because of this that Santa Claus gives fewer and fewer gifts now?

  When I came to the street, people felt the festival atmosphere in every corner. Walking through every street, you will see Christmas trees of different shapes and sizes. Some are in the hall. The Christmas tree is in the shape of a tower, wearing a green dress, and the little bells hanging on it make a beautiful sound when touched gently; The little golden lamp is like a twinkling star in the sky; Colorful small lanterns, flashing, very beautiful!

  In fact, Christmas snow is the most beautiful. When the snow falls on the trees and down the street, it will make a crisp sound when we wait for our feet. What a wonderful music.

  In such a cold winter, I especially like to eat steaming noodles. When people around me were spending their Christmas, I was carrying a bag of instant noodles through the night. At this time, I will not be lonely, because I hide myself in a strange crowd and can"t think of the shameful loneliness.

  After eating noodles, I was very satisfied. I willfully didn"t brush the dishes and piled them in the sink. Then light some candles and make a wish for this winter.

  Before going to bed, I would fill out a few greeting cards, but I always worry about how to write greetings. Simply draw a piece of white snow and a warm wooden house with a pen.

  Finally, I will close the window to shield all the cold outside the window. Look at the familiar starry sky and say good night to each other.

  I really want to have a sweet dream. In the dream, everyone opens this year"s Christmas gifts with expectation. If that would be really happy.


  Since I can remember, I can receive Santa Claus"s gifts every Christmas. Sometimes it"s a pair of warm earmuffs, sometimes it"s a beautiful notebook... As long as it"s a gift I want, I can get it. Looking at the envious eyes of the students, hey, don"t mention how happy I am. But there is also a big question mark in my heart: why does Santa understand my mind so much? I secretly made up my mind to find out.

  Finally, it was Christmas Eve again. All day, I was preparing a surprise for Santa Claus. I wrote a letter to Santa Claus in the most beautiful flower scr ipt, and drew illustrations and lace with colorful watercolor strokes. Chocolate and exquisite snacks were put on a clean porcelain plate and placed on the bedside table. After that, I cleaned the corners of the room and hung red Christmas stockings at the head of the bed. Ha ha, everything is ready, only the east wind.

  As night fell, I tossed and turned in bed, praying that Santa Claus would come soon. My heart is as excited and excited as a hundred rabbits. What does Santa look like? Is he really dressed in red and riding a sledge pulled by an elk? Where did he come in and what gift would he give me? As time went by, my eyelids began to fight

  Suddenly, the door was gently pushed open, the curtains could not help fluttering, and a moonlight slanted in. I seem to see stars dancing with snowflakes. It"s so beautiful! A dark figure gradually approached my little bed. My heart seemed to jump out of my throat and almost cried out. He put a small box into my Christmas stockings. I held my breath and squinted at his every move. Unexpectedly, Santa bent down again, pulled my quilt corner and kissed me gently on the forehead. For a moment, I understood everything. This "Santa Claus" who has neither white beard nor red robe is my father! He crept to the door and closed it quietly. My eyes follow his back. The melody of "jingling bells" is dancing all over the sky. At this moment, it"s so beautiful!


  You know what? Christmas is a month away. You must want a favorite gift. Like you, I"m looking forward to a surprise. I have made many wishes in my heart: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, give me an electric balance car!

  Why do I want an electric balance car? That"s also from last year"s June 1 children"s day. That day, grandma said she wanted to give me a balance car. I"m very excited to choose with her on Jingdong. I finally chose a two wheel balance car because it is not as difficult to control as a unicycle. It runs steadily on the ground and I can "get on my feet" quickly.

  The electric balance car is 28cm high and 80cm long. It is made of aluminum alloy. The shape is similar to that of an ordinary skateboard, but the weight is 8kg! The top speed is 20 kilometers per hour. If you keep sliding at this speed day and night, you can slide around the earth in 83 years and reach the sun in 856 years.

  If you want the balance car to slide forward, your body should lean forward. If you want to turn right, step hard on the left side of the balance car. If you turn left, step hard on the right. Whenever I ride a balance car on the road, the wind blows through my ears, as if I were sitting in a convertible, and as if I had become Batman, very windy!

  Speaking of this balance car, there is still a history! In 1985, Japanese scientists developed a two wheeled electric balance car, but it can only go straight, not turn. According to previous experience, in the 21st century, many countries such as the United States and Switzerland have developed electric balance vehicles that can go straight and turn. They are faster than ordinary balance cars, with a top speed of 30 kilometers per hour. Some have also been applied to the military field.

  Unfortunately, my beloved balance car broke down and couldn"t be charged. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, it"s Christmas at last. Will Santa give me a brand new balance car? The answer will be revealed in a month.


  Today is a day for people to look forward to. On this day, the streets are filled with a happy atmosphere, and all stores are playing Christmas songs. The pedestrians in the street are smiling, and I am no exception. Today is Christmas. I participated in Fengyi development for the first time!

  I got up early and took a bus to attend. The people here are very kind. The first thing we do is to change our clothes. We all changed into military uniforms and started activities. The theme of this issue is Christmas Carnival. There are five items: balloon defense, butt battle, monster crossing the river, bag jump and tram. What impressed me was the balloon defense and tram.

  Balloon defense, each of us has our own balloon with our name written on it. The coach told us the rules of the game. In fact, I don"t like this project very much because I"m afraid of the explosion of balloons. At the beginning of the project, one after another blasting sound came up, and the scene was chaotic. A few minutes later, the game was over. My balloon was not broken. I was a little proud. Then Santa Claus came. He was a coach, with a big nose and red and white clothes. He looked cute! Our reward is a rubber, very beautiful!

  The tram project is to test the cooperation ability of team members. We have two teams, happiness team and wisdom team. The two teams are divided into team 1 and team 2. I"m from wisdom team 2. We have a total of 10 members, including big friends and children. We get along very happily. Our captain is a little boy. He is very sunny and has a loud voice.

  At first, because tacit understanding was not good, we always couldn"t go well, but under the leadership of the captain, we were getting better and better. The official competition began. We walked very cooperatively and had a tacit understanding among the members, but because we walked a little fast, there were several pauses in the middle. However, we insisted on completing the game. Although the result is not very good, we have worked hard. We help, cooperate, challenge and work hard for the honor of the team!

  come on. If we don"t give up, we can do it!

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